18/02/2021. Ippodromo Capannelle Roma Galoppo: corse di venerdì 19 febbraio 2021 – programma da scaricare // Betting Locations Open In Some Parts of Korea from Friday – Jeju Preview

Venerdì 19 febbraio – Galoppo
A Capannelle ancora un appuntamento con il tradizionale venerdì dedicato al galoppo, l’unico settimanale fino al 5 marzo quando inizierà la grande stagione primaverile e tornerà regina la pista in erba. 
Intanto spazio ancora alla “all weather” che ha consentito ai cavalli di correre durante i mesi freddi invernali e che tornerà utile anche in primavera per dare respiro alla delicata e preziosa pista green. 
Sei corse in questo venerdì in cui i tre anni cominciano ad affilare le armi, in fremente attesa della primavera, la loro stagione classica per eccellenza. Per loro intanto una bella Maiden solo per femmine sui 1400 con ben 12 al via. Occhio a Piccola ElaAlessia Jet e Fleche Royale
Sempre per i tre anni ecco un interessante Handicap limitato sul miglio. Pochi ma buoni i cavalli protagonisti: GotixtixDilan BlueDesert ManInnuendoMister Armando
Ben più affollata la perizia per gli anziani sui severi 2300 (scelta come TQQ) con due curve. Saranno in 12 al via, tra cui nomi noti come Jazz LadyMedici MusicianFog in the DesertDashing KnightKepleroChangouro Basc e Zuoer che annunciano una gran bella corsa, incerta e spettacolare. 
In tutto avremo una maiden, una prova per i gentlemen e le amazzoni con 9 al via sui 1200, tre handicap, con distanze tra i 1200 e i 2300 metri. 
Prossimo appuntamento con il galoppo alle Capannelle tra una settimana, sempre di venerdì, l’ultimo interamente sulla pista all weather.
Le corse a Capannelle si svolgeranno a porte chiuse ma i servizi di bar e ristorazione all’interno dell’Ippodromo saranno aperti nel rispetto delle norme di contenimento del coronavirus.
Si ricorda che come da nuovo Dpcm 24 ottobre, contenente le nuove misure per fronteggiare l’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19, le sale scommesse all’interno dell’Ippodromo resteranno chiuse.


fonte : Ufficio stampa e promozione Ippodromo Capannelle  
ph:. Domenico Savi

New post on Horse Racing in Korea

Betting Locations Open In Some Parts of Korea from Friday – Jeju Preview

by gyongmaman

With the Covid-19 social distancing level having being lowered to “1.5″ in all areas except Greater Seoul, some betting locations are permitted to reopen to customers from Friday. Those locations are the Busan and Jeju Raceourses, plus the off-track betting centres in Busan, Changwon, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon and Cheonan. They will be allowed to admit up to 20% of their official capacity. Seoul Racecourse and all off-track locations in the Greater Seoul area (Seoul and Gyeonggi Province) must remain closed as the social distancing level remains at “2.0″.

Pony racing on Jeju will be first action that some punters in Korea will be able to have a legal bet on this Friday

This means that instead of all three tracks racing simultaneously on Friday, each track will get a day to itself. Jeju will race on Friday, Busan on Saturday and Seoul on Sunday. Seoul will not be allowed to admit customers but its races will be beamed for betting to the nine open locations in the south of the country.

To mark the re-opening, just for fun (and due to Busan and Seoul declarations having been held back until today), here’s a pony by pony preview of Friday’s 10 race meeting on Jeju Island.

Race 1: Class 6 (800M) Allowance / KRW 9 Million

1 CHOOJEOKJA – 5th on three of four starts so far, latest behind Tamraingi. Fourth fastest time at the distance among these and that would be a good finish today.
2 WAHEULGONGWON – First time starter. Went ok in trial behind Cheonmahwangje. Watching brief first-up.
3 SAEBYEOKYANGGI – First-time starter. Nothing wrong in trial but was behind both Cheongmahwangje and Waheulgongwon.
4 JANGTAUIBYEOL – 2nd and 3rd in two starts so far both at this distance in races with wildly differing paces. Should be on the early speed and goes close.
5 TAMRAINGI – 2nd in both starts so far having led almost the whole way on both. Fastest time of any of these at the distance, should lead again and is the one to beat.
6 SEUNGJEONSOSIK – Won a trial before debut but not made much of an impact in three starts since. Well back behind Tamraingi last time
7 JEILBOMUL – Offered few clues when midfield on debut. Watching brief again today.
8 YESONE – No worse than 5th in four starts so far. 2nd first-up following six months off in January and a place chance again here.
9 CHEONGMAHWANGJE – Best looking of the three first-time starters having run 2nd in his heat. Can be competitive.
10 TTUBEOGI – Mid position in both outings so far at this this distance, sticking to task both times. Maybe more to come.
Selections (5) Tamraingi (4) Jangtauibyeol (8) Yesone (1) Choojeokja
Next Best 9, 10
Fast Start 4, 5

Race 2: Class 6 (800M) Allowance / KRW 9 Million

1 GWANGMYEONGWHANGJE – First-time starter. Well back in trial. Watching brief first-up.
2 HEALINGSTAR – Last of ten on debut on November. The time was ok compared to some of the others but it was favourable conditions and he was a long way behind the winner. Fresh start today but plenty to find.
3 YANGDAESAN – Had a couple of trials before coming from off the pace to run 4th on debut behind Jejumulyeol on January 8th. Can build on that today.
4 JUNGMUNILLO – Improved to 6th on his second start to date.Time hardly fast but in this company can get closer.
5 CHEONJITIME – 7th of ten in debut a long way behind a super winner. That was all the way back in August of last year so it’s a fresh start today.
6 SOLDIER – Made all to win his trial and needs to be considered in weak company first up.
7 JEONGUISILCHEON – Last of ten on debut behind Cheonjitime. Lots to find today.
8 JEJUCHEOMDAN – 7th of ten on debut, not too far behind in a slow run race at this distance. Potential for improvement here.
9 JEJUMULYEOL – 4th on debut before running 2nd, ahead of Yangdaesan on reappearance on January 8th. Fastest time of these and the likely favourite.
10 SINCHEONJILJU – First-time starter. Went ok in his trial in an adequate time and can be in the minor money mix first-up.
Selections (9) Jejumulyeol (6) Soldier (3) Yangdaesan (8) Jejucheomdan (5) Cheonjitime
Next Best 2, 4
Fast Start 4, 6, 9

Race 3: Class 6 (800M) Allowance / KRW 9 Million

fonte : KRA