02/07/2017. Risultati ultima riunione milanese primavera/estate 2017, Ippodromo Snai San Siro Galoppo: regina della serata la Sc. Blueberry, due vittorie con Met Spectrum e Dancer Cross tra i 2 anni, doppietta per Fiocchi in sella // Germania: #Windstoss vince il Derby tedesco // Irlanda: #Nezwaah ed Andrea Atzeni a segno nelle Pretty Polly Stakes G1! #Rekindling si candida al St Leger // Francia: #Zarak vince il Grand Prix de Saint Cloud, primo G1 per il figlio di Zarkava // #Toormore vicino al ritorno // First Crop Sires, 2° parte: Primo vincitore per #Camelot con Stella di Camelot per la famiglia Luciani in Francia // First Crop Sires: Primo vincitore per il #Darley Dawn Approach. Si tratta di #Haddaf a Newcastle // Infortunio per Wings Of Eagles!

Risultati ultima riunione milanese primavera/estate 2017, Ippodromo Snai San Siro Galoppo
Fleming Fire ultimo vincitore della stagione

L’ultima corsa della stagione milanese di galoppo era il Premio delle Patronesse, una reclamare riservata ai cavalieri e alle amazzoni. Vittoria a grossa quota di Fleming Fire (42,46 al Totalizzatore) che con Davide Terzuolo in sella è riuscito a superare Just Believe (il primo a presentarsi e a scavalcare lo sfortunato Vignale che aveva condotto a gran ritmo nella prima parte di gara con il suo interprete staffato) e a difendersi dal recupero del favorito Raimondi

Private Dancer, non si passa

Nella riunione di chiusura della stagione non poteva mancare l’acuto di Dario Vargiu, amatissimo dagli appassionati milanesi. Che la vittoria del jockey sardo sia arrivata in sella ad un cavallo offerto a 20/1, è certamente una anomalia ma anche la testimonianza che l’handicap era davvero intricatissimo. Dario ha condotto da par suo Private Dancer in un energico percorso d’avanguardia, e l’allievo di Vittorio Oeriani ha risposto colpo su colpo all’assalto finale di Zollikon. Al terzo posto il favorito Mirto su Pretending e Bianco E Nero.

Met Spectrum da signore

La scuderia Blueberry piazza un altro colpo e si aggiudica, dopo il Mantovani, anche la prova gemella riservata ai maschi e castroni di 2 anni, il Premio Giuseppe De Montel Listed: fatto curioso, Dancer Cross e Met Spectrum avevano debuttato lo stesso giorno, il 2 giugno, sempre con Carletto Fiocchi in sella, ed entrambi non hanno fallito l’appuntamento con il primo esame importante. Il maschio (da Helmet e Mara Spectrum) nel finale ha avuto ragione dell’altro soggetto più atteso della vigilia, il compagno di training (Alduino Botti, naturalmente) Fa Ul Sciur. Terzo posto per Infinity Dream, progredito per linee interne.

Le ragioni di Intellectual Boy

La forma, si sa, nelle prove di velocità è un elemento basilare, e Intellectual Boy è un soggetto che sprizza salute da tutti i pori. L’ennesimo successo di una stagione strepitosa è arrivato nel Premio Santiago Soto Sprint: con Claudio Colombi in sella al posto di Nicola Pinna, il cavallo allenato da Emilio Premoli ha seguito in pancia al gruppo, ai 200 finali ha trovato il varco e si è lanciato all’inseguimento di Waylay che intanto era passato prepotentemente al comando tentando l’allungo decisivo. La stoccata del portacolori del signor Massimo Soldati è stata imparabile per il rivale, che si è dovuto accontentare della piazza d’onore. A ridosso dei due ha concluso al terzo posto Diagon Drive, mentre Fritz sul palo ha battuto Falest, che era stato l’animatore nelle fasi iniziali insieme ad Half Way.

Wake Gold suona la carica

La linea romana in evidenza in questa edizione del Criterium Ambrosiano, condizionata per i giovanissimi sui 1200 metri in pista dritta grazie a Wake Gold: bella nel fisico e per lo splendido mantello sauro, la cavalla di Francesco Santella montata da Mario Esposito è stata la più lenta al via ma ai 200 finali, appena ha trovato il varco, ha saputo produrre un cambio di marcia imparabile per i rivali. Dopo un prove non esaltanti, Timelast è tornato sui livelli delle prime uscite e ha conquistato un bel secondo posto su You Get Me Crazy.

Dancer Cross, una conferma importante

Dopo i maschi, ecco le femmine di due anni impegnate nel Premio Luciano Mantovani, Listed sui 1500 metri in pista grande. Bella conferma di Dancer Cross, che aveva destato buone sensazioni al debutto e si è imposta con merito, anche se la naturale inesperienza, palesata con un allargamento in retta mentre era in piena bagarre con Briateke, ha rischiato di costarle caro. I giudici non hanno modificato l’ordine di arrivo, e così, con in sella Carletto Fiocchi, la portacolori della scuderia Blueberry allenata da Alduino Botti ha preceduto la sorprendente rivale, autrice di bel finale a centro pista, e la tedesca Marinka. Zinia dei Grif ha corso al comando e ha lottato come una leonessa chiudendo al quarto posto su Zengia, che si è spenta alla distanza. Nell’imminenza della partenza era stata ritirata Isole Canarie, che non ne ha voluto sapere di entrare nelle gabbie.

Aethos in testa e via

La “soirée” milanese di galoppo si è aperta con il Gran Premio D’Italia, Listed sui 2400 metri della pista grande per cavalli di due anni. Vincitori a tavolino del Botticelli a Roma, Aethos e Silvano Mulas hanno messo i rivali nel sacco con un perfetto percorso d’avanguardia: il portacolori della We Bloodstock ha condotto con un paio di lunghezze di vantaggio, ha ripreso fiato all’ingresso in retta, poi ai 400 finali è ripartito e si è difeso sino in fondo dal finalone di Mushibest, autore di bella progressione dalle retrovie che lo ha portato a chiudere ad una testa dal trionfo. Dirk è stato il primo ad avvicinare il battistrada in retta, ma nei 100 finali il portacolori della Quafin ha perso mordente e sul palo ha subìto l’affondo di Chasedown che lo ha beffato per il terzo posto. A ridosso è terminato quarto Menuhin con un finalone, mentre il favorito Ground Rules è stato fermato all’inizio della retta finale.

fonte: www.ippodromimilano.it


Germania: #Windstoss vince il Derby tedesco, Daniele Porcu terzo con Rosenpurpur..

In Germania si è disputato il Derby tedesco G1 ad Amburgo, in una giornata dove il terreno pesante l’ha fatta da padrone per quello che era l’ultimo Derby da correre in Europa in questo 2017. A vincere è stato uno dei 7 presentati da Markus Klug, vale a dire Windstoss (Shirocco) che aveva una linea sfavorevole con uno dei più attesi in Colomano (Cacique), ma ha ribaltato il riferimento vincendo nettamente con Maxime Pecheur in sella ad una quota di 7/1. 
Il secondo arrivato è Enjoy Vijay (Nathaniel) per Peter Schiergen, mentre al terzo è arrivato Daniele Porcu in sella a Rosenpurpur (Pour Moi), un cavallo ritenuto outsider prima della corsa a 30/1. Il vincitore è allenato da Markus Klug che ha vinto questa corsa con Sea The Moon (Sea The Stars). IL VIDEO DEL DERBY TEDESCO QUIIL RISULTATO COMPLETO QUI.


Irlanda: #Nezwaah ed Andrea Atzeni a segno nelle Pretty Polly Stakes G1! #Rekindling si candida al St Leger

In Irlanda è tornato alla vittoria in G1 Andrea Atzeni, in particolare in sella a Nezwaah (Dubawi con mamma da Dansili) che ha vinto le Pretty Polly Stakes G1 con grandissimo stile, dimostrando di aver fatto un notevole passaggio d’età a 4 anni dopo un rientro con il botto ad Ayr. La cavalla allenata da Roger Varian per i colori di Sheikh Ahmed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, aveva una quota di 13/2 ed ha battuto la Coomore Rain Goddess (Galileo) con al terzo Turret Rocks (Fastnet Rock), che ha avuto la meglio per l’ultima piazza di Zhukova (Fastnet Rock), reduce da un canter di 6 lunghezze a Belmont lo scorso mese. Impressionante Nezwaah, ne sentiremo parlare nel corso della stagione perchè sta andando il doppio di quanto non faceva a 3 anni, e se continuerà a migliorare tanto di guadagnato.
Nella Curragh Cup G2 il giovane Rekindling (High Chaparral) per Joseph O’Brien ha battuto il vecchio Wicklow Brave (Beat Hollow). Per Rekindling, sedicesimo su 18 ad Epsom nel Derby, un bel cambio di marcia, e probabilmente il suo prossimo obiettivo è il St Leger di Doncaster, dove affronterà Capri.

Francia: #Zarak vince il Grand Prix de Saint Cloud, primo G1 per il figlio di Zarkava. Obiettivo Arc..

Finalmente è arrivata la tanto attesa vittoria a livello di G1 per un cavallo finora considerato solo buono ma vittima della sua genealogia. Zarak (Dubawi e Zarkava) ha conquistato la sua prima affermazione al massimo livello grazie ad una buonissima interpretazione da parte di Cristophe Soumillon che lo ha montato all’attesa nel Grand Prix de Saint Cloud G1 sulla distanza del miglio e mezzo che il figlio di Dubawi(Dubai Millennium) e della campionessa Zarkava (Zamindar), imbattuta e vincitrice di Arc de Triomphe G1, affrontava per la prima volta in carriera. 
Bastava così poco, in effetti, ma i 2400 metri il portacolori dell’Aga Khan non li aveva mai affrontati correndo molto spesso a corrente alternata. Quest’anno aveva fatto discretamente a Meydan in G2 impressionando ma poi arrivando 4° nel Dubai Turf G1 a 1800 metri. Al rientro in Europa ha ottenuto un secondo sfortunato nel Ganay G1 alle spalle di Cloth Of Stars, ma poi ha deluso pesantemente le aspettative nell’Ispahan G1 dove è giunto in ultima posizione lontano.

#Toormore vicino al ritorno. Il campione rientrerà a breve a Goodwood dopo il fallimento in razza

Ricorderete come qualche mese fa abbiamo parlato della decisione del Darley di togliere dal proprio roster di stalloni il cavallo Toormore (Arakan) a causa dello scarso appeal per il genere femminile da parte di un cavallo che in corsa aveva fatto benissimo. Ecco, dopo la decisione del ritiro dalle attività riproduttive, è arrivata la comunicazione che è il campione a 2 anni è tornato in training presso Charlie Appleby e probabilmente lo rivedremo in corsa a breve, idealmente a Goodwood dove ha fatto sempre bene.
Inizialmente allenato da Richard Hannon, il figlio di Arakan (Nureyev) è stato uno dei migliori 2 anni della stagione 2013 con le vittoria nelle National Stakes G1 al Curragh. A 3 anni ha vinto le Craven G3 ma non si era confermato, poi acquistato da Godolphin ha vinto le Lennox Stakes G2 e poi ha riproposto una forma decente piazzandosi anche nel Prix de la Foret G1 in Francia. A 5 anni ha vinto il Celebration Mile G2 a Sandown. Montato da William Buick recentemente, correrà le Lennox Stakes il 1° Agosto. 

First Crop Sires, 2° parte: Primo vincitore per #Camelot con Stella di Camelot per la famiglia Luciani in Francia

Il secondo first crop sire a segno in questo weekend ha molto di italiano, anche se la vittoria è da considerarsi in Francia. Il sire Camelot (Montjeu), vincitore di 3 Classiche e molto atteso nel panorama allevatorio mondiale, è stato rappresentato dal primo vincitore in Stella Di Camelot, una femmina di 2 anni sellata da Gianluca Bietolini, allevata da Stefano Luciani e di proprietà della Scuderia Antabell, sempre riconducibile alla famiglia Luciani (le figlie sono Antonietta ed Annabella). Stella ha vinto sui 1200 metri di una debuttanti a Saint Cloud ad una quota di 30/1, con in sella Vincent Cheminaud. 
Stella Di Camelot è il secondo prodotto della fattrice Star Force (Blu Air Force), 8 anni e a sua volta mezza sorella del campione giovanile in Francia Blu Constellation (Orpen), sempre allevato Luciani, vincitore a 2 anni nel Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte G2 ed ora stallone in Italia presso la Razza Ticino (http://www.bluconstellation.com/). IL FOTOFILM DELLA CORSA CLICCANDO SU QUESTO LINK.

First Crop Sires: Primo vincitore per il #Darley Dawn Approach. Si tratta di #Haddaf a Newcastle..

In tema di first crop sires ce ne sono parecchie di novità. La prima riguarda il sire Darley Dawn Approach (New Approach) che ha avuto il primo rappresentante vincitore della carriera di stallone qualche giorno fa a Newcastle grazie a Haddaf. Il 2 anni di James Tate ed allevato dalla Rabbah Bloodstock, è il settimo foal della fattrice Deveron(Cozzene), piazzata di G1, della famiglia di vincitori in America a livello di Gruppo. 
Haddaf, che era stato offerto nel Book 1 di Tattersalls, è stato acquistato da Armando Duarte per 85,000gns. Haddaf ha vinto al quinto tentativo, ma tra le sue linee c’è una che lo lega in maniera vicina a Havana Grey in Listed a Sandown, dunque potrebbe diventare anche il primo stakes winner per suo padre a breve. 
Quanto a Dawn Approach, ricordiamo che si tratta di un 7 anni figlio di New Approach (Galileo), imbattuto a 2 anni con le vittorie nelle Coventry Stakes, National Stakes e Dewhurst Stakes G1 tanto da diventare campione nel 2012. 

Infortunio per Wings Of Eagles! Il vincitore del Derby di Epsom ritirato in razza a causa di una frattura

A meno di 24 ore dal terzo posto nell’Irish Derby G1, è arrivata la comunicazione dell’infortunio abbastanza serio che ha coinvolto Wings of Eagles (Pour Moi), eroe ad Epsom, che si è fratturato un sesamoide. Nulla che gli abbia compromesso la vita, ma la carriera di corse certamente si secondo quanto riferito da Aidan O’Brien. 
Wings Of Eagles si è prodotto in un mega upset ad Epsom con una vittoria a 40/1 con in sella Paddy Beggy, tanto da indurre Aidan O’Brien quasi a snobbarlo ma solo per politiche commerciali del gruppo irlandese, essendo un figlio di Pour Moi (Montjeu), più che altro utilizzato per la produzione di cavalli in National Hunt. Montato da Ryan Moore sabato, era giunto terzo vicino comunque a Capri e Cracksman al Curragh. In 5 corse disputate prima di Epsom, aveva ottenuto al massimo una vittoria a Killarney. 

Luci a San Siro. Doppietta #Fiocchi e #Blueberry con Met Spectrum e Dancer Cross tra i 2 anni. Ad #Aethos l’Italia

Milano si è tinta di arancio. Nella ‘Spritz night’, o gran “soiree” di San Siro, è andato in scena l’ultimo convegno della stagione con vertici tecnici di assoluto interesse. Molte le presenze a Milano in una serata ben accolta anche da tutti gli operatori presenti, con tanta gente assiepata lungo i recinti e le tribune. 
È stata una serata da non dimenticare per Isabella e Guido Bezzera che hanno piazzato un 1-2 terrificante con i 2 anni di belle speranze, nel De Montel e Mantovani, con 2 cavalli tra l’altro che provengono da una linea femminile sviluppata dai “Bezzera” da circa 30 anni e che avevano in sella un fantino pregiato come Carlo Fiocchi, autore di una bella doppietta. Partiamo dai maschi perchè tra i 2 targati Blueberry forse il maschio è quello che va di più. Lui si chiama Met Spectrum (Helmet), controfavorito rispetto a Fa Ul Sciur (Farhh) del quale ha seguito le mosse sin dalla partenza. I 2, che sono sembrati di un’altra dimensione rispetto ai rivali, hanno acceso la lotta dall’ingresso in retta con Met Spectrum che ha cominciato ad ingranare la marcia un pò prima del suo rivale e per questo, una volta lanciato nella progressione, è stato difficile per il suo avversario recuperare, grazie ad una monta come al solito molto intelligente di Carlo Fiocchi, forse il fantino più sottovalutato d’Italia. È un fantino da intenditori, mettiamola così. Foto De Nardin Trenno. Comunque Met Spectrum e Fa Ul Sciur hanno battagliato senza soluzione di continuità ma mai un dubbio sulla vittoria del Blueberry, in questo frangente. L’idea è che questi si ritroveranno in varie sfide lungo l’arco della stagione. Al terzo posto è arrivato Infinity Dreamer (Intense Focus), ed il tempo finale è stato di 1m 33,3s, 2 secondi e mezzo più veloce delle femmine. 
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Pretty Polly Victory For Dubawi’s Nezwaah


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 11:46 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 2:11 pm

6th at CUR, Gr. Stk, €225,000 G1 Pretty Polly S. (10f) Winner: Nezwaah (GB), f, 4 by Dubawi (Ire)


Nezwaah | Racing Post

By Tom Frary

Long considered a class act in the making by Roger Varian, Nezwaah proved that categorically when powering to an emphatic success here. First coming to prominence when taking the Listed Hoppings S. with authority at Newcastle last June, she flopped when last of five behind La Cressonniere (Fr) (Le Havre {Ire}) in Deauville’s G2 Prix de la Nonette in August before finishing a half-length second to So Mi Dar(GB) (Dubawi {Ire}) in receipt of four pounds in the Listed John Musker Fillies’ S. at Yarmouth the following month. Blowing the start in the GI E. P. Taylor S. at Woodbine in October, the bay was still beaten around two lengths when seventh there and was set for a return in Newmarket’s G3 Dahlia S. only to break out of the stalls and be withdrawn from that May 7 nine-furlong contest. Taken to Ayr for a confidence-restoring easy success in the Listed Rothesay S. over this trip May 24, the homebred had received another boost on Friday as last year’s Hoppings S. runner-up More Mischief (GB) (Azamour {Ire}) had come back to win that race.

Racing in mid-division against the rail early under Andrea Atzeni as Creggs Pipes (Ire) (Rip Van Winkle {Ire}) provided the pace in customary fashion, she was travelling with real purpose in behind Zhukova (Ire) (Fastnet Rock {Aus}) as that rival was sent to the front with a quarter mile remaining. Sent up to brush aside the Man o’War heroine with just over a furlong remaining, she stretched clear as the Ballydoyle 3-year-old Rain Goddess stayed on from rear. Journey (GB) (Dubawi {Ire}), last year’s G1 British Champions Fillies & Mares S. heroine, proved a disappointment as the 15-8 favourite and beat only Creggs Pipes home. “She was very impressive,” Atzeni said. “She was a little bit slowly into her stride, but travelled beautifully and picked up like a very nice filly. Two days ago we didn’t know if she was going to run or not because of the weather, but Roger felt the ground was going to be fine for her and she’s proved him right.”

For Varian, the result was confirmation of his belief in Nezwaah’s ability and he said, “She’s always promised a lot. We would have been a bit worried if the ground had been on the soft side, but it dried out nicely for her. I think there were four previous group one winners in the race. You could probably name a small handful of very good fillies that aren’t here, but still it was a good race on paper and none of these group ones are easy to win. It’s a thrill to win one and a great thrill to get this filly winning at the top level because we’ve always loved her. She’s got all the big entries and we thought how we ran today would perhaps determine where we went. Maybe she’s justified staying in Europe and taking her to Goodwood for the [G1] Nassau [S. at Goodwood Aug. 3].” Aidan O’Brien said of the runner-up, “She ran a really big race under topweight [in the Listed Sandringham S.] at Royal Ascot, but we were not sure about a mile and a quarter. Ryan put her to sleep and she came home well, so there is plenty of hope for her.” Nezwaah is the first foal out of the Listed Pinnacle S. winner Ferdoos, who is a half to the Italian highweight Brusco (GB) (Rock of Gibraltar {Ire}) and who also has a 2-year-old filly by Shamardal named Monteja (GB) and a yearling full-sister to the winner.

Sunday, Curragh, Ireland
PRETTY POLLY S.-G1, €225,000, CUR, 7-2, 3yo/up, f, 10fT, 2:06.19, gd.
1–@&NEZWAAH (GB), 134, f, 4, by Dubawi (Ire)
1st Dam: Ferdoos (GB) (SW-Eng), by Dansili (GB)
2nd Dam: Blaze of Colour (GB), by Rainbow Quest
3rd Dam: Hawait Al Barr (GB), by Green Desert
O-Sheikh Ahmed Al Maktoum; B-Darley (GB); T-Roger Varian; J-Andrea Atzeni. €132,750. Lifetime Record: MSW-Eng, 9-5-1-1, $267,355. Werk Nick Rating: A++. 

Click for the eNicks report & 5-cross pedigree.

2–Rain Goddess (Ire), 124, f, 3, Galileo (Ire)–Where (Ire), by Danehill Dancer (Ire). O-Susan Magnier, Michael Tabor & Derrick Smith; B-Where Syndicate (IRE); T-Aidan O’Brien. €45,000.
3–Turret Rocks (Ire), 134, f, 4, Fastnet Rock (Aus)–Beyond Compare (Ire), by Galileo (Ire). O-Mrs June Judd; B/T-Jim Bolger (IRE). €22,500.
Margins: 3 1/4, 1HF, HD. Odds: 6.50, 6.00, 25.00.
Also Ran: Zhukova (Ire), Laganore (Ire), Intricately (Ire), Smart Call (Saf), Santa Monica (GB), Pocketfullofdreams (Fr), Journey (GB), Creggs Pipes (Ire). Click for the Racing Post result or the free Equineline.com catalogue-style pedigree


Churchill’s Sister Takes the Balanchine


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 11:14 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 1:44 pm

5th at CUR, Gr. Stk, €65,000 G3 Grangecon Stud S. (Balanchine S.) (6f) Winner: Clemmie (Ire), f, 2 by Galileo (Ire)


Clemmie | Racing Post

By Tom Frary

Clemmie had shown enough when third in a course-and-distance maiden May 27 and when seventh in Royal Ascot’s G3 Albany S. also over this six-furlong trip nine days ago to suggest she could win a race of this nature and she duly delivered to add further lustre to her prestigious family. Settled in third early by Ryan Moore as stablemate Butterscotch cut out the running, the sister to Churchill moved up to take control passing the furlong pole and stayed on strongly to secure an authoritative success. “We will look at the [G2] Debutante [S. at The Curragh Aug. 20], as it works with the [G1] Moyglare [Stud S. at The Curragh Sept. 10] in mind,” trainer Aidan O’Brien said. “Her and September are two lovely fillies and we’ll see what we do with them when we get to that race.”

Clemmie’s brother Churchill needs no introduction and it must be odds-on that the G2 Queen Mary S. runner-up Meow will boast more group 1 success by the time the season is out. The second dam is the 2-year-old and 3-year-old highweight sprinter and G1 Cheveley Park S. and G2 Temple S. winner Airwave, who produced the G3 Denny Cordell Lavarack & Lanwades Stud Fillies’ S. winner Aloof (Ire) also by Galileo. Her half-sister Jwala (GB) (Oasis Dream {GB}) caused an upset in the 2013 G1 Nunthorpe S. before suffering a fatal injury in a fall in the G1 Hong Kong Sprint. Meow’s yearling colt also by Galileo is sure to attract keen attention when he begins his career.

Sunday, Curragh, Ireland
GRANGECON STUD S. (BALANCHINE S.)-G3, €65,000, CUR, 7-2, 2yo, f, 6fT, 1:11.87, gd.
1–#@CLEMMIE (IRE), 126, f, 2, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Meow (Ire) (SW-Ire & GSP-Eng), by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Airwave (GB), by Air Express (Ire)
3rd Dam: Kangra Valley (GB), by Indian Ridge (Ire)
O-Michael Tabor, Derrick Smith & Susan Magnier; B-Liberty Bloodstock (IRE); T-Aidan O’Brien; J-Ryan Moore. €38,350. Lifetime Record: 3-1-0-1, $45,858. *Full to Churchill (Ire), Hwt. 2yo Colt-Eur, MG1SW-Eng & Ire, $1,356,089. Werk Nick Rating: B+. 

Click for the eNicks report & 5-cross pedigree.

2–Butterscotch (Ire), 126, f, 2, Galileo (Ire)–Lesson In Humility (Ire), by Mujadil. O-Michael Tabor, Derrick Smith & Susan Magnier; B-Lesson In Humility Syndicate (IRE); T-Aidan O’Brien. €13,000.
3–Mamba Noire (Fr), 126, f, 2, Wootton Bassett (GB)–Baileys Applause (GB), by Royal Applause (GB). (€60,000 Ylg ’16 ARAU2). O-Whitehead Family Partnership; B-Pierre Jabot & SARL de Chambure Haras d’Etreham (FR); T-Ken Condon. €6,500.
Margins: 2 3/4, 3/4, 1. Odds: 1.50, 3.00, 25.00.
Also Ran: Too Familiar (Ire), Sometimesadiamond (Ire), Fille du Septembre (Ire), Drombeg Dream (Ire), Gasta (Ire). Click for the Racing Post result or the free Equineline.com catalogue-style pedigree


New Approach Filly Gets Up In the Malleret


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 11:01 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 3:01 pm

5th at SCD, Gr. Stk, €130,000 G2 Prix de Malleret (12f) Winner: Strathspey (GB), f, 3 by New Approach (Ire)


Strathspey | Scoop Dyga

By Tom Frary

Andre Fabre already boasted the record of seven wins in this race before Sunday and he extended that tally with Godolphin’s outsider Strathspey who timed her run to perfection to deny Listen In close home. Third on debut behind Gipoia (Fr) (Medicean {GB}) over a mile and a quarter at Maisons-Laffitte May 6, the bay was successful in an 11-furlong Lyon-Parilly maiden May 25 and was allowed to start at inflated odds lacking experience tackling some fillies with smart formlines here. Waited with in the final three early racing on the rail, the homebred got the split with 300 metres remaining where she had almost three lengths to make up on the long-time leader Listen In. Staying on strongly, she got to that rival on the line, as Elas Ruby fared best of the Brits to add substance to the result. “That was a nice pleasant surprise,” Godolphin’s Lisa-Jane Graffard commented. “She had changed a lot physically over the winter and obviously she has improved and the trainer thought it was worth trying this.” Andre Fabre added that the winner would now wait for the G1 Prix Vermeille at Chantilly Sept. 10.

In winning this, Strathspey has comprehensively outshone Perfect Note’s first foal Romance Story (Ire), a dual listed-placed filly also by New Approach. The second dam Mezzo Soprano captured Strathspey’s next race, the G1 Prix Vermeille, before producing the G3 Prix du Lys winner Claremont (Ire) (Sadler’s Wells) while the third dam Morn of Song is a sister to the leading sire Rahy and a half to the champion Singspiel (Ire) and fellow sire Rakeen. Among her descendants are a clutch of smart Japanese runners headed by this year’s G1 Dubai Turf heroine Vivlos (Jpn) (Deep Impact {Jpn}) who was also successful in last year’s G1 Shuka Sho, and the dual G1 Victoria Mile winner Verxina (Jpn) (Deep Impact {Jpn}). Also from the family of the G1 NHK Mile Cup winner Danon Chantilly (Jpn) (Fuji Kiseki {Jpn}) and former Godolphin stalwart Campanologist, the dam has a 2-year-old filly by Dubawi (Ire) named Demisharp (Ire) and a yearling colt by Teofilo (Ire).

Sunday, Saint-Cloud, France
PRIX DE MALLERET-G2, €130,000, SCD, 7-2, 3yo, f, 12fT, 2:31.95, g/s.
1–#@STRATHSPEY (GB), 123, f, 3, by New Approach (Ire)
1st Dam: Perfect Note (GB), by Shamardal
2nd Dam: Mezzo Soprano, by Darshaan (GB)
3rd Dam: Morn of Song, by Blushing Groom (Fr)
O-Godolphin SNC; B-Darley (GB); T-Andre Fabre; J-Mickael Barzalona. €74,100. Lifetime Record: 3-2-0-1, €89,300. Werk Nick Rating: B+. 

Click for the eNicks report & 5-cross pedigree

2–Listen In (Ire), 123, f, 3, Sea the Stars (Ire)–Es Que (GB), by Inchinor (GB). (310,000gns Wlg ’14 TATFOA). O-George Strawbridge; B-Es Que Syndicate (IRE); T-Freddy Head. €28,600.
3–Elas Ruby (GB), 123, f, 3, Raven’s Pass–Elas Diamond (GB), by Danehill Dancer (Ire). (160,000gns RNA Ylg ’15 TATOCT). O/B-Newsells Park Stud (GB); T-John Gosden. €45,720.
Margins: SHD, 1 1/4, 1. Odds: 17.50, 5.30, 10.30.
Also Ran: Horseplay (GB), Baiyouna (Fr), Satine (Fr), Estelle Ma Belle (Fr), Normandel (Fr), Rythmique (Ire), Gipoia (Fr), Vintage Folly (GB). Click for the Racing Post result or the free Equineline.com catalogue-style pedigree.


Galileo’s Gustav Klimt Earns TDN Rising Star Tag at The Curragh


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 10:53 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 11:12 am

1st at CUR, Mdn, €20,000 Barronstown Stud Irish EBF (C&G) Maiden (7f) Winner: Gustav Klimt (Ire), c, 2 by Galileo (Ire)


Gustav Klimt | Racing Post

By Sean Cronin

1st-CUR, €20,000, Mdn, 7-2, 2yo, c/g, 7fT, 1:25.48, gd.
GUSTAV KLIMT (IRE), c, 2, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Massarra (GB) (SW & GSP-Eng, GSP-Fr), by Danehill
2nd Dam: Rafha (GB), by Kris (GB)
3rd Dam: Eljazzi (Ire), by Artaius
   Gustav Klimt was a May 28 debut fifth, going six panels here last time, and was trapped wide in mid division through the early fractions of this maiden the stable has won in the last 10 years with subsequent Group 1 heroes Duke of Marmalade (Ire), Rip Van Winkle (Ire), Roderic O’Connor (Ire), The United States (Ire) (Galileo {Ire}) and Gleneagles (Ire) (Galileo {Ire}). Scrubbed along to close with three furlongs remaining, the 11-8 chalk quickened to challenge passing the two pole and was ridden out in the closing stages to comfortably best Listed Marble Hill S. runner-up Would Be King (Ire) (Lethal Force {Ire}) by 1 3/4 lengths. “We’ve always liked him and he ran a lovely race here first time,” said trainer Aidan O’Brien. “It was in our head that he would maybe go to the [Listed] Chesham [S. at Royal Ascot] after that, but Ryan said to maybe leave him, come back here, and let the filly [September] go to the Chesham. That’s how he ended up here. He’s a lovely colt, he travels well and quickens well. He was a little bit disorganised when he got there and Ryan [Moore] was very happy with him. He could go to one of those races at the July meeting in Newmarket or something like that. We’ll see how he comes out of this and we won’t be in any panic with him.” He is the eighth winner produced by Listed Empress S. winner and G2 Prix Robert Papin runner-up Massarra (GB) (Danehill) and is a full-brother to G3 Silver Flash S. victress Wonderfully (Ire), Listed Naas Sprint S. scorer Cuff (Ire), G1 St James’s Palace S. third Mars (Ire) and a yearling filly. He is also a half to G1 Gran Criterium-winning Italian highweight Nayarra (Ire) (Cape Cross {Ire}). Massarra is a daughter of G1 Prix de Diane heroine Rafha (GB) (Kris {GB}) and is thus a sibling of six black-type performers headed by G1SW sire Invincible Spirit (Ire) (Green Desert). Lifetime Record: 2-1-0-0, $14,436. Click for the Racing Post result or the free Equineline.com catalogue-style pedigree.
O-Susan Magnier, Michael Tabor & Derrick Smith; B-Orpendale, Chelston & Wynatt (IRE); T-Aidan O’Brien.


Dubawi’s Zarak Gets His Group 1 At Saint-Cloud


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 10:44 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 3:00 pm

4th at SCD, Gr. Stk, €400,000 G1 Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud (12f) Winner: Zarak (Fr), c, 4 by Dubawi (Ire)


Zarak | Scoop Dyga

By Tom Frary

Untried at this 12-furlong trip before this race, TDN Rising Star Zarak looked in need of it at every step and ultimately outstayed his opponents to finally gain the top-level success his pedigree and race record demanded. Runner-up to Almanzor (GB) (Wootton Bassett {GB}) in both the G1 Prix du Jockey Club over 10 1/2 furlongs at Chantilly last June and Deauville’s G2 Prix Guillaume d’Ornano in August, the homebred was fourth reverting to what now appears to be an inadequate mile in the G1 Prix du Moulin back at Chantilly in September. His first real disappointing effort came when he was third as the hot favourite for the G2 Prix Dollar again back at Chantilly in October and he was left alone thereafter with a trip to Meydan in the offing.

Coming back strong to capture the G3 Dubai Millennium S. over 10 furlongs Feb. 16, the bay son of Zarkava was only fourth in the Mar. 25 G1 Dubai Turf over nine, but Alain de Royer-Dupre felt that he was not at his best on World Cup night and he returned to France to freshen up for the G1 Prix Ganay. Closing strongly at the death despite Christophe Soumillon losing his whip when second to Cloth of Stars (Ire) (Sea the Stars {Ire}) in that 10 1/2-furlong contest here at the start of May, he was last of five in the interim in the G1 Prix d’Ispahan back over nine furlongs at Chantilly May 28 and entered this race with a point to prove. Dropped out early with one behind, Zarak was a touch outpaced off the genuine gallop and was shuffled to last at the top of the straight, but Soumillon refused to panic and took him wide for an uninterrupted run. As Doha Dream (Fr) (Shamardal) appeared to clip heels and unseat Gregory Benoist towards the rail, Zarak gained a slight lead with 300 metres remaining and was game as he fought off last year’s winner Silverwave.

Alain de Royer-Dupre is happy to put a line through Zarak’s below-par efforts at Chantilly and said, “Last time, he ran a bad race because the ground was much too firm and also because he definitely prefers a flat track and he didn’t like the uphill and downhill of Chantilly. I always had a slight doubt about him getting a mile and a half, but he answered that question today and deserved that. Last year, he was twice beaten only a little by Almanzor, so the form was there. We’ll now give him a break, but as the Arc is this year again at Chantilly, as is the [G2 Prix] Foy, I don’t really know where he will go at the moment.” Silverwave’s trainer Pascal Bary said of the runner-up, “We are happy with the run. We would have preferred to win this twice, but we have no excuse as he had the perfect trip and just found one too good on the day. He could possibly go for the [Aug. 27] G2 Grand Prix de Deauville or wait for the [G2 Prix] Foy [at Chantilly Sept. 10] after a summer break.”

Zarak was the first runner for his remarkable dam, with her first three foals failing to make the track and therefore she holds a 100 per-cent record as matters stand with regards to producing group 1 winners. Her 3-year-old colt Zarmitan (Fr) (Redoute’s Choice {Aus}) has yet to start, while she also has a 2-year-old daughter by Frankel (GB) named Zarkamiya (Fr) and a yearling colt by Invincible Spirit (Ire). Zarak is by some way the best of his sex to represent his family in four generations, with some smart distaffers such as the G3 Prix de Sandringham winner Zarkiya (Ire) (Catrail) generally the rule.

Sunday, Saint-Cloud, France
GRAND PRIX DE SAINT-CLOUD-G1, €400,000, SCD, 7-2, 4yo/up, 12fT, 2:27.76, g/s.
1–&ZARAK (FR), 128, c, 4, by Dubawi (Ire)
1st Dam: Zarkava (Ire) (HotY-Eur & MG1SW-Fr, $4,793,989), by Zamindar
2nd Dam: Zarkasha (Ire), by Kahyasi (Ire)
3rd Dam: Zarkana (Ire), by Doyoun (Ire)
O-H H The Aga Khan; B-H H The Aga Khan’s Studs SC (FR); T-Alain de Royer-Dupre; J-Christophe Soumillon. €228,560. Lifetime Record: GSW-UAE, 12-4-3-1, €1,223,957. Werk Nick Rating: A++. Click for the eNicks report & 5-cross pedigre

2–Silverwave (Ire), 128, h, 5, Silver Frost (Ire)–Miss Bio (Fr), by River Mist. (€60,000 RNA Ylg ’13 ARQOCT; €420,000 2yo ’14 ARQNOV). O-HSpirit; B-Mlle Marie-Laure Collet, Jean Collet & Mme Marylene Collet (FR); T-Pascal Bary. €91,440.
3–Armande (Ire), 125, f, 4, Sea the Stars (Ire)–Alpine Snow (Ire), by Verglas (Ire). O-Baron Edouard de Rothschild & Lady Chryss O’Reilly; B-Petra Bloodstock Agency Ltd & Ecurie de Meautry (IRE); T-Andre Fabre. €45,720.
Margins: 3/4, 1 1/4, SNK. Odds: 4.40, 3.20, 9.00.
Also Ran: My Dream Boat (Ire), Left Hand (GB), Hawkbill, Tiberian (Fr), Robin of Navan (Fr), Erupt (Ire). DNF: Doha Dream (Fr). Click for the Racing Post result or the free Equineline.com catalogue-style pedigree.


Shirocco’s Windstoss Wins Klug the Deutsches Derby


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 10:35 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 12:25 pm

7th at HMB, Gr. Stk, €650,000 G1 IDEE 148th Deutsches Derby (12f) Winner: Windstoss (Ger), c, 3 by Shirocco (Ger)


Windstoss | racingfotos.com

By Tom Frary

One of seven from the Markus Klug stable, Windstoss proved the one when it mattered as stablemate Colomano (GB) (Cacique {Ire}) flopped in this competitive renewal. Having broken his maiden at a mile on the third try at Cologne in October, the bay signed off with a sixth in the G3 Herzog von Ratibor-Rennen over 8 1/2 furlongs at Krefeld in November. Returning to win Dusseldorf’s Apr. 9 Listed Derby-Trial over 11 furlongs, he was ridden from the front when runner-up to Colomano in the G2 Oppenheim-Union-Rennen also at that distance at Cologne June 11 but was held up this time racing worse than mid-division throughout the early stages. Blocked as the field started the turn for home, the homebred had no choice than to challenge wide as they straightened up and had abundant ground to make up as Enjoy Vijay cut loose on the front end towards the far rail. Delivering a sustained spell of acceleration down the middle of the track, he cut down that rival in the final 50 yards as Rosenpurpur chased him up the same strip.

Windstoss was becoming the third Derby winner for Gestut Rottgen following Palastpage (Ger) in 1932 and Uomo (Ger) in 1959 and the first son of the 2004 Derby hero Shirocco to prevail in this. Trainer Markus Klug had been here before when saddling the 2014 hero Sea the Moon (Ger) (Sea the Stars {Ire}), but for jockey Maxim Pecheur it represented another first. He was carrying on a tradition in his sireline of winning this prestigious affair, as Shirocco’s father Monsun (Ger) provided three Derby winners in total and is himself by the 1979 hero Konigsstuhl (Ger). Windstoss is the first foal out of the winning Wellenspiel, who is herself a daughter of the Listed Preis der Winterkonigin scorer and G2 Preis der Diana and G2 German 1000 Guineas runner-up Well Known. The latter is the dam of five black-type performers, headed by the G1 Preis von Europa-winning sire Well Made (Ger). The third dam Well Proved landed the G3 German 1000 Guineas and produced the G1 Oaks d’Italia third Well Minded (Ger) (Monsun {Ger}) and the G3 Prix de Psyche scorer Welluna (Ger) (Lagunas {GB}), who is the second dam of last year’s G3 Preis der Winterkonigin heroine Well Spoken (Ger) (Soldier Hollow {GB}). Wellenspiel also has a 2-year-old colt by Soldier Hollow (GB) named Weltstar (Ger), a yearling colt by Reliable Man (GB) named Walerian (Ger) and a 2017 colt by Kamsin (Ger).

Sunday, Hamburg, Germany
IDEE 148TH DEUTSCHES DERBY-G1, €650,000, HMB, 7-2, 3yo, c/f, 12fT, 2:41.52, s/h.
1–@&WINDSTOSS (GER), 128, c, 3, by Shirocco (Ger)
1st Dam: Wellenspiel (Ger), by Sternkonig (Ire)
2nd Dam: Well Known (Ger), by Konigsstuhl (Ger)
3rd Dam: Well Proved (Ger), by Prince Ippi (Ger)
(€16,000 RNA Ylg ’15 BBAGO). O/B-Gestut Rottgen (GER); T-Markus Klug; J-Maxim Pecheur. €390,000. Lifetime Record: 8-3-1-1, €422,600. Werk Nick Rating: A++. Click for the eNicks report & 5-cross pedigree.
2–Enjoy Vijay (Ger), 128, c, 3, Nathaniel (Ire)–Enjoy the Life (GB), by Medicean (GB).(€58,000 Ylg ’15 BBAGS). O-Gestut Ittlingen; B-Stiftung Gestut Fahrhof (GER); T-Peter Schiergen. €12,000.
3–Rosenpurpur (Ger), 128, c, 3, Pour Moi (Ire)–Rosenreihe (Ire), by Catcher in the Rye (Ire). (€52,000 RNA Ylg ’15 BBAGS). O/B-Gestut Wittekindshof (GER); T-Peter Schiergen. €6,000.
Margins: 1, 3/4, 1. Odds: 6.50, 5.70, 22.70.
Also Ran: Shanjo (Ger), Promise of Peace (Jpn), Monreal (Ire), Parviz (Ire), Kastano (Ger), Amun (Ger), Ming Jung (Fr), Gepard (Ger), Khan (Ger), Colomano (GB), Sternkranz (Ger), Oriental Khan (Ger), Sargas (Ire), Northsea Star (Ger), Warring States (Jpn). Scratched: Langtang (Ger). Click for the Racing Post result or the free Equineline.com catalogue-style pedigree.


First Winner For Camelot at Saint-Cloud


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 9:08 am | Back to: EuropeTop News

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 1:38 pm

2nd at SCD, Mdn, €27,000 Prix Rose Royale (Mdn) (6f) Winner: Stella di Camelot (Ire), f, 2 by Camelot (GB)


Camelot | Coolmore

By Sean Cronin

2nd-SCD, €27,000, Mdn, 7-2, unraced 2yo, f, 6fT, 1:15.43, g/s.
+STELLA DI CAMELOT (IRE) (f, 2, Camelot {GB}–Star Force {Ity}, by Blu Air Force {Ire}) raced in mid division before improving to stalk the pace in third. Looming large to challenge soon after turning for home, the 136-5 outsider gained a narrow advantage approaching the final furlong and was ridden out in the closing stages to prevail by an ultimately comfortable half length from Love and Peace (Fr) (Linngari {Ire}), becoming the first winner for her freshman sire (by Montjeu {Ire}). She is the first foal produced by a winning half-sister to MGSW dual Italian highweight Blu Constellation (Ity) (Orpen), from a family which includes MG1SW sire Oratorio (Ire) (Danehill). Lifetime Record: 1-1-0-0, €13,500.
O-Antabell SRL; B-Azienda Agricola Stefano Luciani (IRE); T-Gianluca Bietolini.


Wings Of Eagles Injured, Retired


Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 8:09 am | Back to: EuropeToday’s Edition

Updated: July 2, 2017 at 10:23 pm


Wings Of Eagles | racingfotos.com

 G1 Investec Derby winner Wings of Eagles (Fr) (Pour Moi {Ire}-Ysoldina {Fr}, by Kendor {Fr}) emerged from his third-place finish in Saturday’s G1 Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby with a fractured left front sesamoid. It is a career-ending injury, according to a press release from Coolmore.

Wings Of Eagles, who was a surprise 40-1 winner of the Derby under Padraig Beggy, retires with two wins from seven starts and earnings of £1,075,441.

The press release read, “Epsom Derby winner Wings of Eagles was found to be lame this morning after running in the Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby at The Curragh yesterday. He was examined today in his box in Ballydoyle by the attending veterinary surgeon who diagnosed a fracture of his left front sesamoid. Sadly this is a career-ending injury.”

Trainer Aidan O’Brien said from The Curragh on Sunday, “When the lads x-rayed him, his sesamoid had completely come apart. It’s incredible he ran the race he did with that. We’re very sorry to lose him because he was a very unusual horse in that he stayed very well but quickened very well.”

“When [vet] John [Halley] saw it, there was absolutely no chance that he’d ever race again,” the trainer added. “John was saying that he might get Ger [Kelly] to put a pin in it on Monday. I was just speaking to JP [Magnier] on the way home last night and we were saying he was a perfect horse to have a mid-season break and then give him a prep for the Arc. That’s the type of horse that we thought he was going to be.”

Wings of Eagles, a €220,000 Arqana August yearling, won one of four starts last year and debuted this year with a second behind stablemate Venice Beach (Ire) (Galileo {Ire}) in the G3 Chester Vase before swooping late to take the Derby. He stayed on late in Saturday’s Irish Derby under Ryan Moore to be beaten a half-length by stablemate Capri (Ire) (Galileo {Ire}) and the Epsom third Cracksman (GB) (Frankel {GB}).

Wings of Eagles’s half-sister from the first crop of Kingman (GB) will be offered at this year’s Arqana August yearling sale as lot 101.