LUNEDÌ 10 AGOSTO 2015 Programmi: #Gleneagles verso il Jacques Le Marois G1. Se pioverà a Deauville, scontro al vertice con Golden Horn a York // Le champion d’Aidan O’Brien, Gleneagles, se dirige vers le Prix Jacques-le-Marois (Groupe 1) ce dimanche selon le Racing Post // Balios spearheads Simcock team for York // Gli attualmente icritti delle Voltiguer del 19 agosto e dell’ Ebor del 22 agosto


LUNEDÌ 10 AGOSTO 2015. Programmi: #Gleneagles verso il Jacques Le Marois G1. Se pioverà a Deauville, scontro al vertice con Golden Horn a York

Aidan O’Brien non ha ancora deciso. Lo farà il tempo. Ma il duplice vincitore Classico Gleneagles sembra destinato ufficialmente alla Francia ed ad un tentativo nel Prix Jacques le Marois G1 sul miglio della settimana prossima a Deauville. In agenda però, in caso di terreno pesante in Francia, ci saranno le Juddmonte International Stakes di York G1 dove il figlio di Galileo (Sadler’s Wells) si confronterebbe contro il Derby hero Golden Horn. Gleneagles, causa terreno, ha già saltato le Sussex Stakes G1 di Goodwood vinte da Solow su Arod, ma il terreno quel giorno si era asciugato comunque molto nonostante le piogge dei giorni scorsi. Motivo per cui, qualora vada in Francia, dovrà essere assolutamente certo del terreno scorrevole. Se si avvicina una nuvoletta, ecco che andrà in Inghilterra dove dovrà dimostrare anche di tenere i 2100 metri di York. 
Ascot_St James's Palace_Gleneagles_6206

Le champion d’Aidan O’Brien, Gleneagles, se dirige vers le Prix Jacques-le-Marois (Groupe 1) ce dimanche selon le Racing Post. Mais son entourage va scruter de très près la météo et étudiera le terrain avant de confirmer sa participation.

Il y en a qui vont faire la « contre-danse de la pluie » de l’autre côté du Channel. En effet, l’invincibleGleneagles, lauréat de trois Groupes 1 cette année (2000 Guinées, 2000 Guinées Irlandaises et Saint James Palace Stakes), courra le Prix Jacques-le-Marois, dimanche, uniquement si le terrain est « bon et rapide » selon son entraîneur Aidan O’Brien.

Pluie pendant presque 5 jours

Et les prévisions sur la côte normande ne sont pas bonnes. De mardi à vendredi, la pluie est annoncée et donc un terrain très souple voire lourd pour le week-end. « On va garder un œil sur le terrain deDeauville toute la semaine. S’il y a de la pluie, que le terrain se ralenti, on changera nos plans » continue l’entraîneur irlandais.

Duel avec Golden Horn à York ?

S’il venait à déclarer forfait dimanche à Deauville, le meilleur 3 ans européen pourrait être revu le 19 août à York dans les Juddmonte International Stakes (Groupe 1) avec un possible duel de titan face àGolden Horn, vainqueur cette année du Derby d’Epsom (Groupe 1) et des Coral Eclipse Stakes (Groupe 1). Mais un doute subsiste sur la distance, 2.100 mètres, alors que Gleneagles n’a jamais couru au-dessus du mile (1.600 mètres).

Réponse mercredi ou jeudi

Les premiers forfaits du Jacques-le-Marois auront lieu mercredi matin et les partants probables jeudi. C’est à ce moment-là qu’on aura un élément de réponse sur la participation ou non de Gleneagles au Groupe 1 deauvillais. « Le cheval est en bonne forme, il était même prêt à courir à Goodwood dans lesSussex Stakes avant que le terrain se dégrade » termine Aidan O’Brien qui avait enlevé son champion des partants probables.

Retrouvez les prévisions météo de Deauville :

Météo deauville

 Rédacteur – Clément Bigois-Dufaut


Balios and Jamie Spencer win

Balios (left): heads to York for the Great Voltigeur Stakes

 PICTURE: Edward Whitaker (

Balios spearheads Simcock team for York


DAVID SIMCOCK’S Royal Ascot hero Balios will attempt to enhance his claims for the Ladbrokes St Leger when lining up in the Betway Great Voltigeur Stakes next Wednesday at York’s Ebor meeting.

The King Edward VII winner could only finish fifth of six in the Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris last time, but the race was not run to suit according to Simcock.


He said: “The French race was too messy – it certainly didn’t suit him. He got struck into quite badly in France and I don’t think we saw him in his best light.

“But I’d say he has come out of the race probably better than he came out of Ascot. He is going to carry on improving but it isn’t going to be easy with a 3lb penalty.”

Balios is already as short as 8-1 for the St Leger with Storm The Stars – who also holds an entry for the York Group 2 which is a recognised trial for the Classic – the 5-1 favourite.

Live contender

Of the rest of his team for next week’s four-day meeting, Simcock is hoping Curbyourenthusiasm makes the cut for the Betfred Ebor, as he is labelled as a ‘live’ chance by his trainer.

Rated 95 and 43rd on the list for the 1m6f handicap, Curbyourenthusiasm does need some luck to make the field, and is a 20-1 shot with the sponsors.

Simcock added: “He is a horse on the upgrade, who stays well and is probably crying out for a mile and six furlongs now.

“I’m hopeful more than confident that he’ll get in. But he’d be the perfect type of horse – progressive and on a track we know that he acts at. I was disappointed that he didn’t win there last time but at the same time I was delighted with the improvement.”

Stablemate Felix Mendelsshon is guaranteed a run in the Ebor, and Simcock said: “He is a lovely horse, in good order. Is he handicapped to win an Ebor? It’s debateable. He probably hasn’t got the profile of Curbyourenthusiasm.”

Rain wanted

For last year’s Musidora winner Madame Chiang to line up in the Darley Yorkshire Oaks, the going will need to be on the soft side, not the good to firm it was officially described as on Monday.

The four-year-old is most effective when conditions are slow, and Simcock said: “It’s all about rain. She has come out of her race a fitter and sharper horse. It was never the plan to go to the King George – it was an afterthought when the weather changed.”

Tags: Balios   |  Curbyourenthusiasm   |  Felix Mendelssohn   | Madame Chiang   |  David Simcock   |  York Ebor    |  YORK  
fonte : RacingPost