Italia ed estero, le News di rilievo del week-end, commenti e risultati. SABATO 19 LUGLIO 2014. #Galà di Agnano: Eldo River vola sul Città di Napoli, Time Chant spazia nel Criterium Partenopeo.. // Al #Curragh debutto vittorioso per East India, prodotto della fattrice Field Of Hope, pagato 650,000gns. Che settimana… // Italians: Doppietta per Frankie Dettori a Saratoga. Vittorie per Esposito, Andrea Atzeni, Luca Panici, Umberto Rispoli.. // #Darley ha acquistato il fratello di #Australia, da #Dubawi ed Ouija Board. Operazione privata per Sheikh Mohammed // Le Papin finalement Anglais ! // Sheikh Hamdan to play both King George aces // Moore at his best on Mango Diva // Western Hymn all class in Prix Eugene Adam // Kool Kompany on top in Prix Robert Papin // (SAF) Posted 2014-07-18 11:12:26. KHUMALO TO HIT BIG TIME WITH SHERGAR INVITE // Di seguito i risultati delle corse delle Riunioni di domenica 20 luglio 2014 del Curragh e di Maisons-Laffitte



SABATO 19 LUGLIO 2014. #Galà di Agnano: Eldo River vola sul Città di Napoli, Time Chant spazia nel Criterium Partenopeo..


CRITERIUM PARTENOPEO: Un assolo, quello sostenuto dal talentuoso Time Chant (War Chant) che ha vinto come gli è parso è piaciuto senza mai dare l’impressione di perdere la prova di cartello per i due anni dell’estate napoletana. Il figlio di War Chant (Danzig), allenato da Stefano Botti e di proprietà di Cristiano Leonardi, ha seguito il ritmo impartito da Cassiano Fan in avanti e dal centro della pista è andato in percussione proponendo un allungo degno di un soggetto interessantissimo, scegliendo le lunghezze con le quali concludere sul traguardo nei confronti di Vennarecci (Cockney Rebel) che nella prima parte di gara sembrava non seguire, ed al terzo l’altro di Stefano Botti Cassiano Fan.
Il vincitore è allevato dalla Le.Gi. di Massimo Parri, è il terzo prodotto della fattrice americana Snowfield (Tale of The Cat) di una buonissima famiglia che ha ramificazioni anche in Miss Mariduff, la mamma di Porsenna ed altri. Time Chant è stato acquistato per €25,000 privatamente dal suo proprietario che ora ha tra le mani un cavallo dalle doti notevoli e per lui sono state rifiutate offerte anche molto interessanti. Alle prossime SGA c’è un fratello da Poet’s Voice (Dubawi) proposto dalla Le.Gi. IL VIDEO DELLA CORSA QUI.
E’ stata una settimana di ottimo profilo per i cavalli allevati da italiani, all’estero. Prima Guest Of Honour (Cape Cross) ad Ascot per Gennaro Stimola nel Summer Mile G2, e per lo stesso allevatore ha fatto il paio Astrelle, una femmina da Makfi e Miss Mariduff che è seconda in una buona maiden qualche giorno fa; poi Arod (Teofilo) a Leicester in condizionata, ieri Madame Cecile (Blu Air Force) a Chantilly per la famiglia Luciani mentre oggi al Curragh ha debuttato vincendo East India (Galileo) nella stessa corsa vinta in passato da cavalli come Australia (Galileo), Pathfork(Distorted Humor), Teofilo (Galileo) e New Approach (Galileo). East India, un maschio, ha risolto sui 1400 metri vincendo di una incollatura sul gran finale di Portage (Teofilo), con Seamie Heffernan in sella per Aidan O’Brien ed i colori del Coolmore ed è un buon prospetto. IL VIDEO DELLA CORSA CLICCANDO QUI.
Si tratta dell’ennesimo prodotto vincitore della fattrice italiana Field Of Hope (Selkirk), vincitrice del Prix de la Foret G1, made in Franca Vittadini, e già madre di Olympian Odyssey (Sadler’s Wells), terzo di 2000 Ghinee G1, Ransom Hope (Red Ransom), Dormello((Dansili), Field of Dream (Oasis Dream), Awake My Soul (Teofilo) tutti cavalli buonissimi. E’ stato acquistato per 650,000 dalla Blandford Bloodstock alle Tattersalls October Yearling Sales del 2013. Per inciso, un suo fratello quale il roccioso Ransom Hope, vincitore di una prova a vendere a Napoli qualche sera fa, è stato acquistato per €7,000 dopo una carriera dignitosa lunga 7 anni. Ora ha 9 anni e va per i 10. 


Italians: Doppietta per Frankie Dettori a Saratoga. Vittorie per Esposito, Andrea Atzeni, Luca Panici, Umberto Rispoli..

Italians, in giro per il mondo. Nel sabato appena trascorso qualche vittoria italiana da segnalare. Lanfranco Dettori ha inaugurato il suo debutto a Saratoga piazzando una doppietta nell’ippodromo Newyorkese su invito di Wesley Ward, uno dei pochi che non aveva ancora frequentato: è arrivato secondo su Tiz Sardonic Joe alla settima corsa, poi uno-due tra la settima e la decima corsa con Aventure Love e Jet Majesty, con il doppio flying dismount celebrato dal pubblico americano. Il tutto nonostante Frankie abbia perso un volo ed il bagaglio, rimasto ad Heathrow, costringendolo a prendere un volo privato da Albany ed in prestito un pò tutto dai propri colleghi e perdendo la possibilità di montare le prime due corse in programma. Anche questo è Lanfranco.CLICCANDO QUI la celebrazione della prima vittoria
In tema di fantini oramai inglesi, altra doppietta per Andrea Atzeni in Inghilterra, ieri impegnato tra Hamilton ed Haydock ed oggi a Newbury con una affermazione ancora in Listed. Ieri ha montato 5 corse in totale, ne ha vinte 2 e si è piazzato nelle altre 3. Incredibile Andrea, numeri da capogiro. Siamo a 72 vittorie nella stagione ed uno stake a +94£. Ieri vittoria in Listed nelle Glasgow Stakes su Postponed (Dubawi) per Luca Cumani ed i colori di Obaid, con il quale Atzeni ha il contratto. Ad Haydock invece affermazione in folto handicap sui 1000 metri risolvendo di muso su Rich Again per James Bethell. Oggi ha colpito duro a Newbury, ancora in Listed nelle Doom Bar Stakes, in sella ad Amralah (Teofilo) per Mick Channon, nella corsa dove rientrava Al Kazeem (Dubawi) finito solo quarto. VIDEO QUI.
In Giappone da celebrare la prima affermazione per Mario Esposito a Fukushima dopo i numerosi piazzamenti della settimana scorsa. Il jockey italiano ha colpito duro in sella a Aviator (Deep Sky) per Masahiro Otake ed i colori di K.Hidaka Breeders Union. Domenica mattina altri ingaggi per Mariolino, vi terremo informati. 
Tornando in America, Luca Panici continua ad inanellare vittorie: A Gulfstream Park una affermazione a 152/1 in sella ad AragviIL VIDEO DELLA CORSA QUI. Per il fantino italiano, oramai americano di adozione, anche due secondi posti in giornata. 
Qualche giorno fa soddisfazione anche per Umberto Rispoli, che ha ottenuto la sua vittoria numero 22 della stagione francese. A La Teste-de-Buch ha vinto in sella a Seasons In The Sun (High Chaparral), una femmina allenata da Mikel Delzangles per i nobili colori di Robert Adam Sangster. 

VENERDÌ 18 LUGLIO 2014. Agnano, Galà del galoppo: Sabato sera grande festa a Napoli con Criterium Partenopeo, Città di Napoli e Premio UNIRE


Sabato ad Agnano grande serata di festa e di corse, proprio come tanti anni fa, quando il tracciato napoletano era considerato il fiore all’occhiello della selezione italiana dopo Milano e Roma, e lo è tutt’ora dopo che ne sono stati rinverditi i fasti. Ci è mancata tanto la salitina, ed ora come ora si torna ad avere i premi più attesi e celebrati proprio in estate, dopo la particolare collocazione dell’inverno scorso dovuto alla chiusura per un periodo abbastanza lungo dell’impianto e dalla repentina riapertura grazie agli sforzi di imprenditori privati che ce la stanno mettendo tutta. Grazie a loro, esperienza diretta, Agnano sta tornando veramente ad avere un ruolo interessante sia come ricettività di impianto sia come tracciato. La pista è lontana parente di quella brutta, secca e piena di buche di qualche anno fa ma anzi è verde che più verde non si può ed il terreno, pur conservando la stagionalità di pantano di inverno e durezza d’estate, è mantenuto in modo tale da assicurare il più possibile un terreno buono per tutti. Ma parliamo di corse, sabato 19 Luglio c’è quello che è stato definito il Galà del galoppo partenopeo. Per l’occasione 8 corse in programma con highlights nel Città di Napoli Lr, il Criterium Partenopeo Lr, ilPremio Unire Lr, il Soragna Hp incerto ed in più una maiden per 2 anni, 2 vendere ed un handicap interessante, e a tal proposito rispolveriamo la rubrica dei Pronostici degli utenti di Mondoturf dopo esserci fatti qualche idea abbastanza chiara sulle gerarchie. Si prevede anche in questo caso terreno buono per tutti….
Il fratellino da Dubawi (Dubai Millennium) del campione Australia (Galileo), vincitore di due Derby nella stagione, dunque il quinto prodotto della campionessa Ouija Booard (Cape Cross) è stato acquistato privatamente da Sheikh Mohammed in una operazione Darley. 
Non poteva essere altrimenti, visto che la politica di Coolmore vieta di comprare figli di stalloni concorrenti anche se fratelli di campioni da loro posseduti e così, tolta la concorrenza di Ballydoyle che avrebbe avuto priorità su tutto, e prima di passare alle aste, Sheikh Mohammed si è assicurato le prestazioni del puledro sulla scia di quanto fatto dal sauro fratello quest’anno. Australia ha infatti realizzato l’exploit per una fattrice partita piano in razza (in corsa ha vinto 7 G1 per oltre £3,5 milioni in premi) e che sinora ha dato Voodoo Prince(Kingmambo), diventato ora Our Voodoo Prince da quando è stato trasferito in Australia, tu guarda un pò, ed ha vinto la Easter Cup G3 in Aprile a Caulfield. Gli altri due sono Aegaeus (Monsun) e Filia Regina(Galileo), nati nel 2009 e nel 2010, che insieme hanno collezionato 3 vittorie totale per somme vinte nemmeno di £10,000.. insomma, non proprio dei crack. Fino a che non è arrivato Australia, pagato 525,000 gns alle Tattersalls da parte del Coolmore, e diventato quello che è ora. Nella foto, il piccolo Australia poco dopo la nascita in compagnia della madre, la campionessa di Lord Stanley Ouija Board. 
Capiremo fra poco qualcosa in più del fratello, che ha 2 anni ora. Lord Derby e suo fratello Peter Stanley hanno dichiarato che il cavallo, nato il 10 Febbraio 2012, sarebbe dovuto passare alle aste, in fondo era ragionevole pensare di spuntare un buon prezzo, ma alla fine ha avuto la meglio una proposta da parte del Darley. Peter Stanley ha parlato anche delle caratteristiche del puledro: “Si vede che è un cavallo di qualità, un pò diverso come morfologia rispetto ad Australia e somiglia molto come modello alla madre. Auguriamo a Sheikh Mohammed il meglio possibile”.

Le Papin finalement Anglais !



Créé le  , par Clélia Moncorgé
Désillusion avec Goken et South Bank pourtant bien en course. Après avoir été pris de vitesse,  Kool Kompany entraîné par Richard Hannon décroche le Prix Robert Papin.

Dix neuf ans après Lucky Lionel, Richard Hannon obtient un second titre dans le Prix Robert Papin. L’entraîneur anglais connaît une belle réussite dans l’Hexagone: Paco Boy, Dick Turpin ou encoreHavana Gold. Le programme Outre-Manche offre plus de possibilités au niveau groupe, Kool Kompanyn’en est pas à son coup d’essai à ce niveau. Il avait disputé les Coventry Stakes (Groupe 2) le 17 juin à Ascot en étant invaincu en 3 courses. La sortie d’après il remettait les pendules à l’heure en s’adjugeant les Gain Railways Stakes (Groupe 2) au Curragh. Son expérience a donc primé ce dimanche, bien qu’il ait été pris de vitesse par Goken, Kool Kompany a pu souffler et donner un coup de rein imparable.

South Bank, fille de Special Duty lauréate de cette course en 2009, n’a sans doute pas montrer son vrai visage. Avant-course, Christiane Head-Maarek avait poussé un petit coup de gueule contre son jockey. Une fois au rond de présentation, Christophe Soumillon avait dû retourner aux vestiaires pour changer de bretèches, les sponsors étant interdits dans les courses de Groupes ! La domination est totale dans Prix Robert Papin puisque Strath Burn prend la 2ème place un nez devant Lehaim.


Richard Hannon avait prévu d’accorder un break après sa dernière course à Kool Kompany mais le cheval semble bien encaisser ses combats, trois options s’offrent donc à lui, le Prix Morny, les Phoenix Stakes ou les National Stakes, pour ces deux dernières solutions il devra être supplémenté.

Kool Kompany est issu de Jeremy, étalon au National Irish Stud, qui l’a bien signé !



l’étalon Jeremy

Arrivée définitive: 3-2-1

fonte: Equidia


Mukhadram (Paul Hanagan) wins the Eclipse

Mukhadram: set to join Taghrooda in Saturday’s £1 million King George

 PICTURE: Edward Whitaker (

Sheikh Hamdan to play both King George aces


HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM is set to play both of his aces, Taghrooda and Mukhadram, in a bid to take his already stellar year to new heights in the £1 million King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Ascot on Saturday.


Having committed Oaks winner Taghrooda to the line-up last Thursday, the season’s leading owner will bolster his forces against ante-post favourite Telescope with Eclipse Stakes winner Mukhadram, the intended mount of Dane O’Neill. 

It will be O’Neill’s highest-profile ride since being appointed second jockey to Sheikh Hamdan in October 2012. The former champion apprentice will partner Mukhadram in place of the owner’s first jockey Paul Hanagan, who has ridden the William Haggas-trained star on all 13 previous outings.

Hanagan is set to stick with Oaks winner Taghrooda, 7-4 joint favourite with Coral, although 5-2 elsewhere, after she went well in a gallop in Newmarket on Saturday morning. She will bid to become the first three-year-old filly to win the mile-and-a-half event since Pawneese in 1976.

Mukhadram, general 8-1 fourth favourite, will be racing into the unknown at the weekend as the five-year-old has yet to run beyond a mile and a quarter and O’Neill has never ridden him either at home or on the track.

“I’m expecting Mukhadram to run in the King George,” said Haggas on Sunday. “I haven’t heard any different and he’s been in good form at home since Sandown. I’m pretty sure Paul Hanagan will be riding Taghrooda and, anyway, Dane O’Neill would struggle to do the weight on her which is 8st 6lb whereas Mukhadram will be carrying 9st 7lb.” 

He added: “I expect Dane will ride Mukhadram and I’m not worried about the fact he’s never ridden him before as he’s quite a straightforward horse.”


Mango Diva and Ryan Moore

Mango Diva (pink silks) closes in on front-runner Lahinch Classics

 PICTURE: Patrick McCann (

Moore at his best on Mango Diva


Report: Curragh, Sunday, Kilboy Estate Stakes (Group 2) 3yo+ fillies 1m1f

MANGO DIVA got the full treatment from Ryan Moore to edge a thrilling renewal of the Kilboy Estate Stakes.


Trained by Sir Michael Stoute for the Antoniades Family,Mango Diva didn’t appear to be going anywhere fast as Lahinch Classics struck the front under Wayne Lordan in the straight but, under strong urging from Moore, she gradually engaged top gear to run down the leader on the line.

“She’s a good moving filly and wants good ground,” said Stoute’s travelling head lad James Savage. “We think this could be her perfect trip, they go a bit quick for her over a mile.”

The winner returned the 9-2 second-favourite, with the runner-up a 5-1 shot. Favourite for the race was Coronation Stakes fourth My Titania, who looked a shade one pace in third after moving into contention stylishly.

Victory for Mango Diva was her first at Group 2 level and comes off the back of a solid effort behind subsequent Group 1 winner Thistle Bird at Epsom last month.

Also on Sunday . . . 

Curragh: Meld Stakes (For The Defence Forces Cup) (Group 3) 3yo+, 1m2f

Parish Hall got up in the final strides to land the Meld Stakes for jockey Kevin Manning and trainer Jim Bolger.

The five-year-old, who returned the 11-8 favourite, won the Group 1 Dewhurst as a juvenile but was landing his most high profile race since.

Una Manning, daughter of winning trainer Jim Bolger, said: “Dad was delighted. The horse showed a good turn of foot and he’ll stick to races over this trip and on fast ground. He really feels that he’s finally getting over his injury and that he’ll go on to better things.”

Front-runner Afternoon Sunlight finished second, while Irish Derby fourth Ponfeigh was third.

Curragh: Rockingham Handicap 3yo+, 5f

Sir Maximilian provided trainer Tim Pitt and jockey Stevie Donohoe with a big pay day when cutting down the front-running Caspian Prince to land the prestigious Rockingham Handicap.

The runner-up, winner of the Dash at Epsom last month, broke like a greyhound from an unfavourable draw in stall three and was able to track across to lead the field on the favoured far rail under Adam Kirby.

The only challenger to get anywhere close to the leader’s early fractions was My Good Brother as the field was string out like in the closing stages of a four-mile chase.

Just when it appeared it would be between the pace-setters, Donohoe brought Sir Maximilian with a surging run from midfield to deny the enthusiastic Caspian Prince, with My Good Brother in third.

It was the biggest win for Pitt since he relocated from Newmarket to Helshaw Grange in Shropshire last year, the 73 acre site owned by former Port Vale chairman Paul Wildes, who also owns Sir Maximlian.

 Western Hymn wins the Classic Trial

Western Hymn: Sandown’s Classic trial winner was back on top in France

 PICTURE: Edward Whitaker (

Western Hymn all class in Prix Eugene Adam


Report: France, Sunday, Maisons Laffitte: Prix Eugene Adam (Group 2) 1m2f, 3yo

WESTERN HYMN (John Gosden/William Buick), sixth on only his fourth career start in the Investec Derby last time, showed a potent turn of foot to run out a thoroughly impressive winner of the Prix Eugene Adam.


Buick adopted patient tactics on the Robin Geffen and Rachel Hood-owned three-year-old, who moved into contention from last on the bridle before effortlessly flicking through the gears to drive away from his rivals.

Godolphin’s Army Bulletin chased him home in second, with Rod Millman’s stable star Master Carpenter far from disgraced in third.

It was a fourth win from five starts for Western Hymn, who prior to tasting his only defeat at Epsom had landed Sandown’s Classic trial in April, where Master Carpenter was back in third.

Buick always looked confident on the son of High Chaparral despite trailing pace-maker Ashkannd by a fair margain at one stage.

The runners came up the centre of the track, with Master Carpenter appearing as a live challenger on the far side within the final two furlongs, only to succumb to the blistering finishing kick of the winner, who returned the 6-4 second favourite.

Favourite Shamkiyr disappointed in fourth but Army Bulletin, trained by Andre Fabre and behind Master Carpenter at Chantilly last time, put up a much improved performance to reverse that form after travelling powerfully for Maxime Guyon.

Although pleased with the run of Master Carpenter, connections felt he didn’t quite stay the trip.

James Millman, assistant to his father, tweeted: “Third for Master Carpenter no disgrace but don’t think he stays 10f on soft ground. But some nice prize-money.”

The winner holds an entry in the Neptune Investment Management Great Voltigeur Stakes at York next month, although is yet to win over a mile and a half.

Ladbrokes were suitably impressed, cutting Western Hymn to 8-1 (from 16) for the St Leger. 




Richard Hughes grinds out victory on tough sprinter Kool Kompany

 PICTURE: ScoopDyga

Kool Kompany on top in Prix Robert Papin


Report: France, Sunday, Maisons Laffitte: Prix Robert Papin (Group 2) 5½f, 2yo colts and fillies

KOOL KOMPANY (Richard Hannon/Richard Hughes) took his record to five wins from six starts when registering a second successive victory at Group 2 level in the Prix Robert Papin.


The subject of pleasing home reports before Sunday’s race,Kool Kompany transferred that form to the track with a hard-fought victory from the Charlie Hills-trained Strath Burn, who ran a blinder on only his second start.

Richard Hughes had stated his intention to let Kool Kompany, named in honour of Manchester City defender Vincent Kompany, bowl along in front but had to settle for second spot in the early exchanges behind free-going favourite Goken.

Kool Kompany was actually one of the first off the bridle but, as is becoming his trademark, the more Hughes asked the more the distinctive looking son of Jeremy found, soon wearing down the leader before holding fast-finishing pair Strath Burn and Lehaim in second and third.

Owned by Middleham Park Racing, Kool Kompany’s only defeat to date came in the Coventry Stakes at Royal Ascot, a defeat Hughes accepted culpability for as he held the horse up off a modest early gallop.

He bounced back in the Group 2 Railway Stakes at the Curragh last month and Sunday’s victory potentially sets him up for a crack at Group 1 level in races like the Prix Morny and Middle Park Stakes.

The win comes 19 years after Hannon’s father landed the race with the John Reid-partnered Lucky Lionel and gives Britain a second win in the last three years after Reckless Abandon’s victory in 2012.

Kool Kompany remains a 25-1 shot with BetVictor for next year’s 2,000 Guineas.


Posted 2014-07-18 11:12:26  

South Africa’s first black jockey to win South Africa’s most prestigious race, S’manga Khumalo will make his British debut at the prestigious Shergar Cup at Ascot. The Kwazulu Natal born star shot out of the norm with a stunning win in the Vodacom July last year and the world has noticed his talents.

After bursting on to the scene a few years ago, S’manga Khumalo, nicknamed “Bling” on account of his peroxide blond hair, has won a plethora of Grade 1 races in South Africa, notably last year’s Durban July on Heavy Metal.

S’manga will ride in the UK for the first time in next month’s Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup (Saturday, August 9), alongside Japanese legends Yutaka Take (captain) and Yuichi Fukunaga, on the Rest of the World team.

“Winning the Durban July was my career highlight and sent a message to all black South Africans that racing is a sport for all in the modern era,” said S’manga.

“To be recognised globally and invited to ride in the Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup on the back of that victory is another very proud moment for me and I look forward to meeting and riding with the two Japanese legends in the Rest of the World Team.”

Take, the 18-time Japanese champion, has partnered four winners at the Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup, while Fukunaga has ridden just once in the competition back in 2006. Recently, the latter has struck a redoubtable partnership with Just A Way (the highest rated horse in the world in 2014), winning the Group 1 Tenno Sho and the Group 1 Dubai Duty Free on World Cup Night, a victory which earned him an automatic invitation to the world’s premier jockeys’ competition on August 9.

On the Girls’ team, Hayley Turner will make her eighth appearance in the competition having missed last year due to injury. Like Yutaka Take, she has ridden four winners at the Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup.

She is joined by Canadian star, Emma-Jayne Wilson, who participated in the competition in 2006 and 2012, and Steffi Hofer from Germany, daughter of trainer Mario Hofer, making her Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup debut.

Hofer commented: “I was absolutely thrilled to receive the invitation.

“I have always followed the event with great interest, and even whilst being in the top six or seven jockeys riding, numerically, in Germany this year, I never thought I would get a chance to take part at this level – this has come as a huge endorsement.

“I hope that I can play my part in getting a good result for the girls!”

For Europe, Frankie Dettori and Andrea Atzeni, making his debut in the competition, will ride so long as they are not claimed to ride elsewhere by their retaining owners.

Their confirmed team-mate, also making his debut in the Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup, will be Dutch rider Adrie de Vries, who is based in Germany. He enjoyed success in the Group 1 Preis Von Europa last year on Meandre and has also won the Grosser Preis von Baden and the Italian Oaks. He triumphed at Royal Ascot on Energizer in the 2012 Tercentenary Stakes and leads the German jockeys’ championship for 2014.

For Great Britain & Ireland, Tom Queally will captain the team and it is hoped he will be joined by Ryan Moore and Richard Hughes, who are keen to take part but may be subject to stable claims.

Dubai Duty Free Executive Vice-Chairman Colm McLoughlin said, “The 2014 renewal looks like being a fascinating contest bringing together some of the world’s most accomplished riders.

“We’re delighted that the competition will provide some of them with their first experience of riding at this internationally renowned venue, and I am sure they will be eager to impress alongside the more experienced Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup contenders.”

This year the value of the competition has risen by 33%, with all six races now £40,000 handicaps rather than £30,000 last year. Each jockey will get five rides as they bid to win the Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup for their team and there is £3,000 for the Silver Saddle-winning jockey (the top jockey overall). Points are awarded 15, 10, 7, 5, 3 for the first five horses home with 4 points for a non-runner.  

 fonte: SAHRacing

CURRAGH (IRE)Risultati di domenica 20 luglio 2014

GOING: Straight course – GOOD; Round course – GOOD TO FIRM.

2:15 - Sycamore Lodge Equine Hospital European Breeders Fund Fillies Maiden

6f, €12,420.00

Toogoodtobetrue 1/2F 
Gussy Goose 4/1 
New Alliance 12/1 

NR: Queen Anne (IRE), Tamadhor(IRE)

8 ran Distances: ¾l, 3¼l, ½l
TIME 1m 12.42s (slow by 1.42s)

Jockey: Joseph O’Brien
Trainer: A P O’Brien

WIN £1.20 PL £1.02, £1.60, £1.80
Ex £2.80
CSF £3.23

2:45 - Irish Champions Weekend 13th & 14th September Nursery Handicap

6f, €10,695.00

Intenser 14/1 
Sauanna Belle 11/4 
Ohh Lala 9/4F 

6 ran Distances: ½l, hd, 1¼l
TIME 1m 12.82s (slow by 1.82s)

Jockey: Rory Cleary
Trainer: Brendan W Duke

WIN £16.00 PL £4.20, £2.20
Ex £81.20
CSF £52.62

3:15 - Meld Stakes (For The Defence Forces Cup) (Group 3)

1m2f, €39,000.00

Parish Hall 11/8F 
Afternoon Sunlight 100/30 
Ponfeigh 11/4 

NR: Alive Alive Oh

4 ran Distances: ½l, 3l, 9½l
TIME 2m 13.77s (slow by 9.77s)

Jockey: Kevin Manning
Trainer: J S Bolger

WIN £2.20
Ex £6.10
CSF £6.26


3:45 - Kilboy Estate Stakes (Fillies) (Group 2)

1m1f, €65,000.00

Mango Diva 9/2 
Lahinch Classics 5/1 
My Titania EvensF 

7 ran Distances: shd, ½l, hd
TIME 1m 55.62s (slow by 5.62s)

Jockey: Ryan Moore
Trainer: Sir Michael Stoute

WIN £5.30 PL £2.50, £2.90
Ex £32.20
CSF £28.02

4:15 - Longines World Fegentri Championship For Lady Riders Handicap

1m4f, €6,900.00

Wither Hills 9/2 
Beau Michael 7/2 
Zeftan 11/4F 

7 ran Distances: 7l, 8½l, 1l
TIME 2m 39.63s (slow by 9.13s)

Jockey: Miss A Mills
Trainer: B R Hamilton

WIN £5.00 PL £1.60, £1.70
Ex £21.60
CSF £20.04

4:45 - Rockingham Handicap

5f, €60,000.00

Sir Maximilian 11/1 
Caspian Prince 8/1 
My Good Brother 33/1 
Lady Mega 11/2F 

16 ran Distances: 1l, 2l, ½l
TIME 57.79s (fast by 1.01s)

Jockey: Stevie Donohoe
Trainer: Tim Pitt

WIN £18.60 PL £4.00, £1.60, £6.40, £1.60
Ex £156.20
CSF £104.46
TRICAST £2982.73


5:15 - Jebel Ali Racecourse And Stables Fillies Maiden

7f, €8,280.00

Witches Brew 4/7F 
Duchess Andorra 7/2 
Dusty Boots 7/1 

NR: Princess GlamourSupposing (IRE)

5 ran Distances: 2l, 4¼l, 1¾l
TIME 1m 25.37s (slow by 1.87s)

Jockey: Seamie Heffernan
Trainer: Edward Lynam

Pick Six. Not Won. Pool of 22,997.00 carried forward to Ballinrobe on Monday 21st July. Tote aggregates: 2014: 157,043.00, 2013: 267,739.00 WIN £1.60 PL £1.02, £1.30
Ex £2.20
CSF £2.94
JACKPOT €3,094.50. Pool of €17,683.38 – 4 winning units.
PLACEPOT €626.80. Pool: of €31,547.63 – 35.23 winning units.


MAISONS-LAFFITTE (FR)Risultati di domenica 20 luglio 2014


12:30 - Prix de Rueil Malmaison (Claimer) (2yo) (Turf)

5f, £11,250.00

Kindly Dismiss 23/10 
Something Lucky 8/5F 
Seradora 159/10 

6 ran Distances: 1½l, snk, nk
TIME 1m 0.30s (slow by 3.60s)

Jockey: Christophe-Patrice Lemaire
Trainer: F Chappet

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 3.30. PLACES: 1.60, 1.30. SF: 6.20

1:00 - Prix Herbager (Conditions) (3yo) (Turf)

1m, £14,166.67

Bookrunner EvensF 
Violet Symphony 141/10 
Kenbest 5/1 

NR: Montviron (FR)

6 ran Distances: 1l, ½l, nk
TIME 1m 40.30s

Jockey: Christophe-Patrice Lemaire
Trainer: M Delzangles

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 2.00. PLACES: 1.60, 3.80. SF: 15.00

1:30 - Prix Robert Papin (Group 2) (2yo Colts & Fillies) (Turf)

5½f, £61,750.00

Kool Kompany 13/5 
Strath Burn 79/10 
Lehaim 205/10 

5 ran Distances: ½l, hd, 1l
TIME 1m 5.60s (slow by 3.00s)

Jockey: Richard Hughes
Trainer: Richard Hannon

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 3.60. PLACES: 1.80, 4.00. SF: 12.60


2:08 - Grand Handicap des Bords de Seine (Handicap) (4yo+) (Turf)

1m, £27,416.67

My Stone 23/1 
Mogadishio 175/10 
Desilusion 77/10 
Huang Ho 32/1 

20 ran Distances: nk, 1½l, 1¼l
TIME 1m 38.00s

Jockey: Frederic Spanu
Trainer: Mme C Barande-Barbe

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 24.00. PLACES: 7.10, 5.90, 3.70. DF: 121.50. SF: 347.00

2:40 - Prix Eugene Adam (Grand Prix de Maisons-Laffitte) (Group 2) (3yo) (Turf)

1m2f, £61,750.00

Western Hymn 8/5 
Army Bulletin 97/10 
Master Carpenter 31/5 

6 ran Distances: 3l, 1½l, 1¼l
TIME 2m 7.90s

Jockey: William Buick
Trainer: John Gosden

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 2.60. PLACES: 1.60, 3.30. SF: 24.00

3:15 - Prix de la Pepiniere – Fonds Europeen de l’Elevage (Listed Race) (4yo+ Fillies & Mares) (Turf)

1m2f, £26,666.67

Baltic Baroness 6/5F 
Sparkling Beam 53/10 
Abys 47/10 

NR: Shared Account

10 ran Distances: ¾l, 2½l, ¾l
TIME 2m 13.70s

Jockey: Maxime Guyon
Trainer: A Fabre

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 2.20. PLACES: 1.30, 1.60, 1.40. DF: 7.40. SF: 10.30


3:45 - Prix de Mericourt (Claimer) (3yo) (Turf)

1m7f, £7,916.67

Whiteout 5/2F 
Redayag 223/10 
Baillonette 45/1 

15 ran Distances: 4½l, 1½l, nse
TIME 3m 26.80s (slow by 16.30s)

Jockey: Cristian Demuro
Trainer: W Figge

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake): 3.50. PLACES: 2.00, 4.70, 9.40. DF: 36.10. SF: 61.70

4:15 - Prix du Haras du Robillard (Handicap) (3yo Fillies) (Turf)

7f, £9,583.33

Diana D’Aumont 221/10 
Asincity 137/10 
Lys Des Aigles 74/10 

NR: Mystical Rock (FR), Vamos Mia(IRE)

13 ran Distances: ¾l, 1½l, nk
TIME 1m 26.90s

Jockey: Antoine Hamelin
Trainer: Mme C Rondele

WIN (incl. 1 euro stake):23.10. PLACES: 7.40, 4.10, 2.30. DF: 140.50. SF: 488.80

fonte: RacingPost