Riaperture, il sottosegretario Battistoni a Capannelle: “Lavoro sull’ippica”
Battistoni ospite dell’ippodromo romano: “Dopo la prima ondata gli ippodromi sono stati i primi a riaprire, questa settimana lavoreremo su questa ipotesi”
Presente ieri a Capannelle, a Roma, il senatore di Fi Francesco Battistoni, Sottosegretario di Stato al Mipaaf con delega all’Ippica, ha provato a rassicurare il mondo dell’ippica: “Al termine della prima ondata gli ippodromi sono stati i primi a riaprire al pubblico, questa settimana lavoreremo su questa ipotesi sperando di dare al più presto una risposta positiva”, ha detto.
“È la mia prima uscita pubblica da sottosegretario e sono molto felice perché ci tenevo ad essere qui all’Ippodromo Capannelle, ospite di Hippogroup, in una giornata importante come questa, per iniziare ad assaporare dal vivo un mondo stupendo come questo. – ha affermato Battistoni - L’ippica ha bisogno di una mano e sappiamo che viene da diverse difficoltà, abbiamo un arco temporale relativamente breve però credo che qualche segnale positivo siamo in grado di darlo”…
Qatar Goodwood Festival Features’ Prize Money Returned to 2019 Levels
Mohaather winning the 2020 Sussex S. at Goodwood | Racingfotos.com (april 27th)
The Qatar Goodwood Festival, slated for July 27-31, will boast an increase in prize money for its three feature races, the racecourse announced on Tuesday. The G1 Qatar Sussex S. will once again be worth £1 million, while the G1 Qatar Goodwood Cup has total prize money of £500,000. Rounding out the three Group 1s with increased prize money is the G1 Qatar Nassau S., which will be worth £600,000. Overall, the five-day festival will offer over £4.8 million in prize money in July. In 2020, purses were reduced due to COVID-19. Goodwood’s ts flagship meeting will be one of the first major racing festivals to welcome back significant numbers of racegoers, as the UK Government continues to loosen restrictions.
Adam Waterworth, Events Managing Director at The Goodwood Group, added, “Prize money is incredibly important for our owners whose commitment and support we value tremendously. They are vital to the livelihood of the sport, and we’re delighted to be able to return our feature races to the levels we ran them in 2019.
“The last 12 months have been extremely challenging for the business as a whole with severe financial hardships. However, despite revenues remaining challenging in 2020, and the uncertainty around crowd numbers at some of our fixtures, investment in prize money has always been a priority for Goodwood, and we accept our role in trying to ensure the higher rated horses remain in training in this country, whilst also striving to attract some of the best thoroughbreds from further afield.
“We are incredibly grateful to our official title partner, the Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club, without whose support we would not have been able to offer these levels of prize money, and our other sponsors, broadcast, and betting media partners.
“Goodwood is very much looking forward getting racing underway this season. We will be welcoming limited spectators to the racecourse across May and June, when admission is likely to be limited to members, although hospitality experiences will be open to all.
“Ticket sales have been phenomenal for the Qatar Goodwood Festival. It’s one of the best on sales we have known, and all being well, we anticipate hosting racegoers at pre-pandemic capacities come the end of July.” (fonte : TDN)