26/10/2018. Corse al Galoppo, Ippodromo Capannelle Roma, domenica 28 ottobre 2018 // IPPODROMO DEL MEDITERRANEO, SIRACUSA, PARTENTI DICHIARATI PER LE CORSE DEL: 27-10-18 // KOREA : Seoul Saturday: Gwacheon Mayor’s Cup Day: Race-By-Race Preview (October 27) // Goffs: Classic and Group 1 Pedigrees Headline November Breeding Stock Catalogue


Galoppo, Ippodromo Capannelle Roma, domenica 28 ottobre 2018

L’edizione 2018 del premio Scheibler vede in campo, sui 2000 metri della pista grande  questi tre anni Azzurro CobaltoBridge focuswishCascio IndiavolatoFrutireuGuapoGugus Des BrieresNuraghe IrruOld FoxUndisclosed DesireWiesenbach.

Clicca qui per leggere l’intera storia del Premio Scheibler

Non solo Scheibler nel primo pomeriggio di ora solare. Sette corse  e oltre alla listed  anche due condizionate (una per femmine  di tre anni e oltre sul miglio e l’altra sui 1500 per i due anni, sempre in erba e pista grande), una maiden  sui severi 1800 per i due anni in pista grande  ed ancora in scena anche i gentlemen e le amazzoni,  gli anziani in HP nel ricordo di casa Palmieri che al turf ha dato tantissimo sotto il nome di Razza Spineta : basta ricordare i due derbywinner Braccio da Montone e Bonconte di Montefeltro , la oakswinner Azia, Arnaldo da Brescia che vinse il Parioli e tutti gli altri. Per cinque volte sarà in azione la selettiva pista grande, due la All Weather mentre le distanze andranno dai 1500 fino ai 2200 metri.

Tra sette giorni in scena l’imperdibile Roma Champions Day, il summit autunnale del galoppo italiano: Lydia Tesio, Roma GBI Racing, Guido Berardelli, Carlo e Franco Aloisi, Ribot Memorial Luciani, tutte pattern con anche la listed Divino Amore  e nove corse nel pomeriggio.

Clicca qui per vedere i partenti

Prossimo appuntamento con il galoppo martedì 30 ottobre

Non solo Corse

Domenica 28 ottobre si terrà la finale del Campionato Italiano Corse Ponies organizzato dalla Scuola Ippica Italiana.

Come ormai da consuetudine si ripetono i classici appuntamenti domenicali alle Capannelle: Pranzo al Ristorante Panoramico, Aperitivo in Terrazza Derby a partire dalle 14.00, Parco gonfiabili, battesimo della sella a partire dalle 15.00.  (fonte : HippoGroup)



Affollata II Tris Nazionale tra Handicap e Condizionata di rilievo.

Dovranno sollevare la sabbia sugli avversari, i protagonisti che concorrono per la II Tris abbinata al Premio Camerino, quinta delle sei corse in programma, sabato pomeriggio, all’Ippodromo del Mediterraneo di Siracusa. Tredici al via per affrontare i 1300 metri di un tracciato in cui la linea dettata da Albarino, con Rockaroundtheclock, Peppe Island e Camden Zac, dovrà essere rivalutata secondo la nuova perizia che fa rendere qualche chilo in più rispetto agli avversari proprio all’allievo di Carmelo Bottone. Validissimo avversario King of Malta, peraltro reduce da vittoria. Chiacchierato, poi, Screen City il positivo portacolori di Giusy Guida che mette in scena la sua prima performance a Siracusa. Il montepremi più interessante legato alla condizionata nella sesta corsa in programma. Il Premio Portiere di Notte schiera nove cavalli di tre anni e oltre sui 2100 metri. Distanza particolarmente gradita al vittorioso Justice Well che proverà ad accaparrarsi il podio. Il positivo Anthericum, il regolare Espoir Bere e i progrediti Little But Good e Kingston Sassafras, sono le valide alternative.  Mina vagante uno Zaiman che ha ritrovato forma e che prova ad alzare il tiro. Un handicap da 11 mila euro avrà come protagonisti, alla quarta prova, i due anni sui 1200 metri di pista piccola. Fox on the Run e Sopran Vanna potrebbero essere affidabili scelte, da opporre alla qualitativa Miss Concy che, per buona forma e regolarità autunnale, anche con 63 kg in sella, resta la favorita. Potrebbe migliorare su questa distanza Velyn Girl, mentre l’incognita è la possibilità di un ottimo tempestivo rientro dei validi Black Joral e Coach Me Softly.

Inizio delle competizioni previsto alle 15:20.

Siracusa, 26 Ottobre 2018

=01 I-15.20-PR. VISTO SI STAMPI   E.5.500 DISCENDENTE DI M.1200


01 SMALL BUT FAST        66.5   S.RIZZO PISCOPO         8 (P)

02 CONTROCORRENTE        62.5   F.BOSSA                 5

 03 MADAME COLLECTING     61.5   G.P. FOIS               1

 04 BORN IN THE MUD       60.5   A.CANNELLA              3 (P)

05 MAGICA GRAZIA         58.5   D.SCALORA               7 (P)

06 INFINITY POWER        56     GAB.CANNARELLA(A)  (A)  2 (P)

07 VALE OF KAOS          55.5   S. BASILE               6 (P)

08 KISS ME QUIET         50.5   A.FUSCO                 4 (P)

09 ROAN STREET           52.5   A.EL RHERRAS            9 (P)


=02 II-15.55-PR. ANCONA  E.5.500 DISCENDENTE DI M.1500


01 LAGUNA DRIVE          65.5   S. BASILE               9

 02 ANFIARAO              61     S.GUERRIERI             5

 03 AH PIERO              59     G.CANNARELLA            1

 04 MASTER CAP            58     G.MANUELE               7 (P)

05 MARTIN BLONDE         57     A.CANNELLA              6

 06 SOPRAN LUNA           57     F.BOSSA                 4

 07 INTENCIONADO          53     D.SCALORA               8

 08 LUCKY APPROVAL        52.5   G.P. FOIS               2 (P)

09 TOKYO GHOUL           50.5   A.FUSCO                 3 (P)


=03 III-16.30-PR. MACERATA  E.4.400 A VENDERE M.2000


01 ACE TO PESCA          54.5   G.CANNARELLA            4 (P)

02 CIUMBALICCA           54     F.BOSSA                 5 (P)

03 COAST GUARD           52.5   D.SCALORA               1

 04 MACHO GUEST           54.5   S. BASILE               9

 05 SCARY CHOP            55.5   G.GENTILESCA            8 (P)

06 STORMER               52.5   GAB.CANNARELLA(A)  (A)  3

 07 TAKE A NAP            54     G.P. FOIS               2

 08 TEUBESLY              56     A.CANNELLA              6 (P)

09 THE DREAMER           55     G.MANUELE               10(P)

10 THE INTRUDER          54     A.EL RHERRAS            7


=04 IV-17.05-PR. FANO  E.11.000 DISCENDENTE M.1600


01 MISS CONCY            63     S. BASILE               8

 02 BLACK JORAL           61     D.SCALORA               1

 03 COACH ME SOFTLY       59.5   A.CANNELLA              9

 04 VELYN GIRL            57.5   GAB.CANNARELLA(A)  (A)  10

05 PRINCIPE AZZURRO      56.5   C.ZAPPULLA              5

 06 ALBA DI DOMANI        55.5   G.CANNARELLA            6

 07 FOX ON THE RUN        53.5   F.BOSSA                 2 (P)

08 SOPRAN VANNA          51     G.MANUELE               4

 09 MISTER GUERRIERI      53     S.GUERRIERI             7

 10 MOROSITA              51     S.GIARRATANA            3


=05 V-17.40-PR. CAMERINO  E.9.900 DISCENDENTE M.1300


01 PRETZEL LOGIC         64     A.CANNELLA              10(P)

02 ALBARINO              63.5   GAB.CANNARELLA(A)  (A)  4

 03 KING OF MALTA         63     S.GIARRATANA            6 (P)

04 MY SAXY WEEK          61     S.RIZZO PISCOPO         1

 05 CAMDEN ZAC            60.5   S.GUERRIERI             13(P)

06 COMMON BLACK          60     F.BOSSA                 2 (P)

07 ROCKAROUNDTHECLOCK    59.5   S. BASILE               7 (P)

08 SCREEN CITY           59.5   G.CANNARELLA            12

09 VENNARECCI            58     D.SCALORA               8 (P)

10 EBENEZER SCROOGE      57.5   G.P. FOIS               9 (P)

11 PEPPE’S ISLAND        56.5   G.GENTILESCA            11

12 ORMIXA                56.5   C.ZAPPULLA              3 (P)

13 KING THE MONTE        51     G.MANUELE               5 (P)




01 ALEGRO                55     G.P. FOIS               8 (P)

02 ANTHERICUM            56     GAB.CANNARELLA(A)  (A)  6

 03 CASALECCHIO           54     A.EL RHERRAS            9 (P)

04 ESPOIR BERE           56     A.CANNELLA              3

 05 JUSTICE WELL          56     G.CANNARELLA            1

 06 KINGSTON SASSAFRAS    57     G.GENTILESCA            4

 07 LITTLE BUT GOOD       56     S. BASILE               5

 08 SHOCKING BLU          55     F.BOSSA                 2 (P)

09 ZAIMAN                55     G.MANUELE               7 (P)

fonte : Ippodromo del Mediterraneo



KOREA : Seoul Saturday: Gwacheon Mayor’s Cup Day: Race-By-Race Preview (October 27)

by gyongmaman

There is a big 13-race card at Seoul on Saturday running from 10:45 to 18:00. The feature race of the day is the Gwacheon Mayor’s Cup, Seoul’s heat in the 2nd leg of the Juvenile Series:


Dae Wan Ma Dq
Dae Wan Ma crossed the line 1st in the Munhwa Ilbo Cup onlyh to be DQ’d – he’ll be well backed again in the 2nd leg of the Juvenile Series (Pic: KRA)

Race 1: Class 6 (1300M) Allowance / KRW 24 Million

This is an especially weak maiden and while (7) BARAMUI MISO hasn’t been hugely impressive across her two starts so far, his 3rd – in similar strength company to this – and 5th – in stronger – suggest that with any kind of improvement at all, she should win, Next best is (2) TAP LUCK, who improved to 5th on his second outing last month and first at this distance. (1) SUPER CREED has shown some glimpses of ability too and while beaten by Tap Luck last time, can find the minor money here. (6) VICAR BRACING and (8) BRAIN SPEEDER have only raced once apiece and can be given a chance to improve.

Selections (7) Baramui Miso (2) Tap Luck (1) Super Creed (8) Brain Speeder
Next Best 6, 9
Fast Start 9

Race 2: Class 6 (1300M) Allowance / KRW 60 Million

Juvenile maidens here with six of the eleven racing for the very first time. Among those with prior experience, both (2) BLUE FIRE and (9) GEUMA ZENITH have raced twice each with both registering a 2nd on their respective latest outings. Blue Fire’s was at this distance while Geuma Zenith’s was a narrow defeat in a fast time over 1000M and accordingly steps up for first time today. Both look to have serious claims. Of the other three who have raced before, (7) KAHINAH looks the best. Among the first-timers, there are two standouts. (5) NIMUI HYANGGI and (10) FIGHTING HERO both won trials in fine fashion, the latter especially and both can be backed first-up.

Selections (2) Blue Fire (9) Geuma Zenith (10) Fighting Hero (5) Nimui Hyanggi
Next Best 7, 1
Fast Start 2, 5

Race 3: Class 6 (1300M) Allowance / KRW 40 Million

This maiden is restricted to fillies only. (6) FIRST RANK put in a solid shift on debut six weeks ago, finishing 3rd over 1000M. She made a lot of ground late on in the race and the additional distance today could well suit. She’s the top pick. (3) GREEN Y was a much improved 2nd on her latest effort at the end of last month. It wasn’t a very strong race but he improvement was notable and she’s another who may benefit from having further to race. (9) WONDERFUL HEELS is another who showed demonstrable improvement on her latest outing and is one to consider. (2) SOKBO WANGWI is a little more experienced and has raced well at this distance already and looks a good shout to place while (8) QUEEN OF CAMP is another who should be in the hunt.

Selections (6) First Rank (3) Green Y (2) Sokbo Wangwi (8) Queen Of Camp
Next Best 9, 5
Fast Start 1, 3, 4

Race 4: Class 5 (1000M) Handicap / KRW 40 Million

Every time he runs now, we make the same jokes about (6) UNDEFEATED being anything but, however, we’ll draw a line through his latest because he’s back down in distance today and in against opposition he has every chance of beating. He’s well drawn to get a decent start and he can return to the winner’s circle. (3) MIREU STORM and (12) WINNER BROWN are both up in class having landed their respective maiden wins. Both should be very competitive here with Winner Brown marginally the favoured of the two. (8) DAESEUNG AGAIN ran 5th on his first try at this class last start and can build on it today. At the other end of the experience scale, (5) SSONSALGACHI ran 2nd in a not too dissimilar race three weeks ago and can aim for a repeat on what will be her fifty-second career start.

Selections (6) Undefeated (12) Winner Brown (3) Mireu Storm (8) Daeseung Again
Next Best 5, 9
Fast Start 3, 7, 8, 9

Race 5: Class 5 (1200M) Handicap / KRW 40 Million

(9) CLEAN FLOWER has run 3rd and 5th in two outings at this level since getting her maiden win in July. Both times she’s more than held her own in stiff company and under Antonio Da Silva, she can win this, likely leading all the way. (10) HEUNG KKAEBI was a winner on debut on September 15th, over 1000M. She ran on well and should be able to handle both the higher class and increased distance with few problems. (12) RAON PRO SENSE and (8) KAILLUM YEOJE come in having finished 3rd and 4th respectively when they raced each other at 1000M at the end of September. With the extra furlong today, Kaillum Yeoje can reverse that form. (11) BODEURAM, 2nd last start at 1000M looks best of the rest.

Selections (9) Clean Flower (10) Heung Kkaebi (8) Kaillum Yeoje (12) Raon Pro Sense
Next Best 11, 6
Fast Start 1, 8, 9

Race 6: Class 6 (1000M) Allowance / KRW 24 Million

(4) GWANGPOK JUHAENG has been showing signs of figuring things out and after a 3rdplace last start four weeks ago, he can make the breakthrough today. He’ll likely settle just behind the early pace which should be set by (1) LEADER’S CAMP. She also comes in following a 3rd place last start, albeit against slightly more modest opposition, and should go close again. Another one on speed will be (3) BLACK POKKYEOKGI. It’s been five months since his solitary outing so far but he looked good when making all in a trial earlier this month and could go well first up today. (6) GIVEN WEEKEND and (11) RAON STELLA are others who can go close.

Selections (4) Gwangpok Juhaeng (1) Leader’s Camp (11) Raon Stella (3) Black Pokkyeokgi
Next Best 6, 7
Fast Start 1, 3

Race 7: Class 4 (1000M) Allowance / KRW 75 Million

Imported maiden juveniles here and six of the eleven have raced before. (4) MUNHAK TSUNAMI was favourite on debut four weeks ago on the strength of a strong trial showing. He only managed to finish 2nd but it was a fast race and with any kind of improvement at all, will take some beating. Expect him to be an odds-on chance. (2) DARK PLAYER was four-lengths back in 3rd place that day and looks to be clear next best here too. Both are likely to be on the early speed. (5) SENSE JAENGI ran 2nd on debut in August before finishing 4th on re-appearance last month. He’ll need to improve to beat the top pair but should have the beating of most of the rest. Among the first-time starters, (6) GLOBAL BOSS a Cross Traffic colt, shoed some aptitude in his trial and looks the most likely to be competitive first-up.

Selections (4) Munhak Tsunami (2) Dark Player (5) Sense Jaengi (6) Global Boss
Next Best 1, 9
Fast Start 2, 4, 7

Race 8: Class 4 (1200M) Handicap / KRW 60 Million

(12) SOL PARANG has won two from three so far and is up in class following an eye-catching eleven-length score over 1000M on October 7th. He’s also up in distance but he should be ready for it. He doesn’t need to lead from the gate so the wide draw is no real Read more of this post


Goffs : Classic and Group 1 Pedigrees Headline November Breeding Stock Catalogue


A host of Group 1 and Classic pedigrees headline the 2018 Goffs November Breeding Stock Sale catalogue which is now available online.  The two day sale features 447 lots and takes place on 22nd and 23rd November, in between Part 1 and Part 2 of the November Foal Sale. 

A consistent source of black type producers, the quality of the November Breeding Stock Sale was underlined again this season by the Group 1 St Leger and Group 1 Grand Prix de Paris winner Kew Gardens whose dam Chelsea Rose topped this sale in 2012. 

The catalogue boasts quality drafts from such leading nurseries as HH The Aga Khan Studs, Ballylinch Stud, Baroda & Colbinstown, Derrinstown Stud, Godolphin, Jockey Hall Stud, Kiltinan Castle Stud, Moyglare Stud, Norelands Stud, Redmondstown Stud, and many others.

Amongst an impressive list of covering sires are Acclamation, Australia, Camacho, Camelot, Dandy Man, Exceed And Excel, Harzand, Galileo, Gleneagles, Invincible Spirit, Kodiac, Mastercraftsman, New Approach, Oasis Dream, Sea The Stars, Teofilo and many more whilst they will be sold alongside mares in foal to several in their first season Aclaim, Caravaggio, Churchill, Cotai Glory, Decorated Knight, Divine Prophet, El Kabeir, Galileo Gold, Highland Reel, National Defense, Peace Envoy, Postponed, Profitable, Ribchester, Strom The Stars and Ulysses.

The many desirable mares and fillies on offer include:

Lot 962  She’s Complete
Listed winning 6yo Oratorio mare in foal to Sea The Stars.  Consigned by The Castlebridge Consignment.

Lot 963  Hazariya 
Group winning dam of dual Derby winner Harzand and three other Stakes winners.  Consigned by The Castlebridge Consignment.

Lot 964  Cloth of Cloud 
Champion 2yo filly in South Africa, this 5yo mare by Captain Al is in foal to Galileo.  Consigned by The Castlebridge Consignment.

Lot 965  Hence                  
Listed winning 3yo Galileo filly, own sister to Group 1 winner Alice Springs and the Galileo filly that sold for €2 million at the 2018 Orby Sale.  Consigned by The Castlebridge Consignment.

Lot 966  Magic Wand 
Group 2 Ribblesdale Stakes winning Galileo filly, half-sister to Irish Oaks winner Chicquita who sold for €6 million at Goffs.  Consigned by The Castlebridge Consignment.

Lot 973  Baliyana  
Group winning daughter of Dalakhani, dam of a Group placed filly.  In foal to Kodiac.  Consigned by Aga Khan Studs.

Lot 977  Simawa  
Stakes placed sister to Derby winner Sinndar.  By Anabaa, she is the dam of a Stakes winner and is in foal to Gleneagles.  Consigned by Aga Khan Studs.

Lot 985  Vital Statistics 
Dam of a Group 3 winner and in foal to Awtaad.  Consigned by Jockey Hall Stud.

Lot 991  Khazina  
Kingmambo mare, dam of Listed Marble Hill winner Round Two.  She is out of a Gr1 winning daughter of Champion mare Relaxing.  In foal to Dawn Approach.  Consigned by Redmondstown Stud.

Lot 992  Something Graceful 
Galileo mare and dam of 2018 Listed winner and Group 3 placed Sometimesadiamond.  In foal to Dawn Approach.  Consigned by Redmondstown Stud.

Lot 993  Marina of Venice 
Galileo mare, dam of a Listed winner, in foal to Fastnet Rock.  Consigned by Redmondstown Stud.

Lot 994  Dawn of A New Era    
4yo own sister to Champion 2yo Dawn Approach and Group 2 winner and Group 1 placed Herald The Dawn.  In foal to Belardo.  Consigned by Redmondstown Stud.

Lot 995  Maria Lee 
Dam of dual Listed winner Glamorous Approach.  By Rock Of Gibraltar and in foal to Dawn Approach.  Consigned by Redmondstown Stud.

Lot 996  Pleisiur         
3yo half-sister to Irish 1000 Guineas winner Pleascach by Vocalised.  In foal to Teofilo.  Consigned by Glebe House Stables.

Lot 1007  Simsimah 
Poet’s Voice 3yo mare, half-sister to the unbeaten Group 2 winning 2yo Madhmoon.  In foal to Divine Prophet.  Consigned by Collegelands Stud.

Lot 1013  Eneza     
3yo Holy Roman Emperor filly, half-sister to Group 2 Blandford Stakes winner Eziyra.  Consigned by Aga Khan Studs.
Commenting on this year’s Breeding Stock catalogue, Goffs Group Chief Executive Henry Beeby said:

“We are delighted to have such outstanding mares among this year’s catalogue, which will follow three days of world class foals. Goffs November Breeding Stock Sale is renowned as a source of Group 1 producers and the international success of its graduates year after year is a great advertisement for Irish bloodstock and for Goffs.”

View Breeding Stock Catalogue