01/02/2018. NEWS GAMBLING INDUSTRY Bookmakers warned: CMA will take action against unfair online promotions // New post on Horse Racing in Korea // Cambio al timone del Mipaaf nell’area galoppo




Bookmakers warned: CMA will take action against unfair online promotions


Online gambling: CMA to crack down on unfair promotions
Online gambling: CMA to crack down on unfair promotions
By Jack Haynes

The latest landmark changes in the gambling industry were announced on Thursday morning with the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) cracking down on bookmakers that offer unfair online promotions that trap punters’ money.

Three leading operators – Ladbrokes, William Hill and PT Entertainment – have committed to change the way they offer bonus promotions after pressure from the regulator, with all firms now having to adopt the changes.

Those in breach will now face regulatory action from the CMA, who have been working with the Gambling Commission to improve conditions for online gamblers.

A statement from Hills read: “As one of the largest online betting and gaming brands in the UK, William Hill has worked with the CMA to ensure that its concerns have been fully met.

“We welcome the standards and principles that the CMA has outlined and we look forward to their adoption across the industry.”  

The firms involved have also agreed to be clearer in the terms and conditions of their bonus promotions, and punters will not be required to place bets multiple times before they can withdraw their own money.

Online bookmakers will also not be able to make punters oblige in taking part in publicity.

George Lusty, project director at the CMA, said: “Gambling always carries a risk, but players should never face unfair restrictions that prevent them from getting at their money.

“Firms mustn’t stack the odds against players, by putting unfair obstacles in their way, or making it difficult for them to stop gambling when they want to.

“The CMA is here to make sure businesses’ terms and practices are fair for their customers. We welcome the commitment from these leading firms to address the problems our investigation uncovered, by making important changes to their terms and conditions.

“We now expect others to follow, and look forward to the Gambling Commission’s continued work to make sure all operators in this sector play fair with their customers’ money.”

fonte : RacingPost


New post on Horse Racing in Korea


(Belated) Weekend Round-Up: Final Boss Wins Segye Ilbo, Cheongdam Dokki Easy

by gyongmaman

Last year’s Korean Derby winner Final Boss kicked off his four-year-old campaign in style this past weekend, winning the first Listed race of the season, the Segye Ilbo Cup at Seoul Racecourse.

A good renewal it was too, with Final Boss sent off as second favourite behind Cheonji Storm. However, it was last year’s winner, Always Winner, who jumped out of the gate the quickest and into an early lead. It looked for a time he might just repeat his trick from twelve months ago and go all the way.

The big guns closed though. Cheonji Storm down the outside and City Star on the inside. And between the two of them came Final Boss, ears back and looking like he meant business. He struck the front just metres from the line and won by a neck from City Starwith Cheonji Storm only another neck back in 3rd.

As they crossed the line, jockey Moon Se Young called across to Jang Chuyoul on City Star to inquire as to which of them won. After the race he said he wasn’t convinced that Final Boss could win such a race at a sprint distance (1200M) but the horse just took off in the closing stages and seemed desperate to get to the front.

Final Boss (Menifee-Sinseok Dolpa) moves on to nine wins from sixteen starts.

Cheongdam Dokki brutalized the Grand Prix field in December before ultimately running out of steam. He too began his four-year-old season at the weekend, appearing in Seoul’s feature handicap on Saturday.

He ws up against Shamrocker and and Clean Up Joy, both trained by Song Moon Gil and both of whom Cheongdam Dokki had seen off before.

He monstered them. Shamrocker came to challenge early but had little to offer in the closing straight leaving Clean Up Joy, who had complicated things for himself early on with his habitual leap as the gates opened, closing strongly. Cheongdam Dokki was almost pulled up by this stage though as he eased to his eighth win from thirteen outings. He should perhaps really be in Dubai right now as this is too easy and it looks like we may have to wait until the summer to see him actually be required to finish off a race properly.

gyongmaman | February 1, 2018 


Politica ippica: Cambio al timone del Mipaaf nell’area galoppo. Finizio e Castiglione lasciano..

In tema di politica ippica sono in fase di cambiamento alcuni ruoli importanti per il futuro e per la gestione, nonchè per le decisioni, del nostro settore. Ricordiamo che questo è un periodo nel quale è importante stabilire i criteri di assegnazione per la classificazione degli ippodromi. Il rischio più grande è però l’ennesima assegnazione del ruolo a persone poco “competenti” in materia. Riportiamo l’articolo integrale pubblicato sul sito gioconews a firma di Sara Michelucci con interviste a qualche diretto interessato.

Paola Finizio lascia la dirigenza del Mipaaf e il sottosegretario Castiglione non si ricandiderà alle prossime elezioni. 
Cambiamenti nel mondo dell’ippica a livello dirigenziale e politico. Il primo febbraio Paola Finizio, direttore dell’ufficio dirigenziale non generale Pqai VIII della Direzione generale per la promozione della qualità agroalimentare e dell’ippica, lascerà il Mipaaf, spostandosi in un’altra amministrazione. La Finizio curava i rapporti con gli ippodromi, anche sul lato pagamenti. “Dispiace che vada via, visto che conosceva molto bene il settore”, afferma il presidente del Coordinamento Ippodromi, Attilio D’Alesio.

Inoltre, entro il 31 gennaio dovrebbe essere adottato dal ministero un decreto per la classificazione degli ippodromi. Si tratta del testo firmato dal sottosegretario Giuseppe Castiglione, che peraltro ha annunciato che non si ricandiderà in Parlamento nella prossima legislatura.
“Questi cambi di dirigenza e politici di certo non danno sicurezza e ci preoccupa non sapere chi verrà dopo”, dichiara a Gioconews.it il presidente di Federippodromi, Elio Pautasso.
“Speriamo che si tenga conto delle esigenze pratiche del settore. Sul decreto di classificazione vedremo come sarà strutturato e poi dovrà essere declinato anche in termini economici. Sono mesi che le associazioni di categoria non vengono convocate dal ministero, per questo la situazione è molto incerta”.