02/09/2017. SANDOWN SOLARIO STAKES: Masar enters Classic picture with Group 3 victory for Godolphin // Winx comes with a storming late burst to run down Red Excitement – #Winx vince ancora! Sono 19 le affermazioni consecutive // Roma e Milano Galoppo al via // Aste in Germania: BBAG September Yearling Sale a €7,7 di movimento, -7%. Top da €500,000, ecco i risultati


Masar enters Classic picture with Group 3 victory for Godolphin

Masar (blue): clearing away from his rivals in the Solario Stakes
Masar (blue): clearing away from his rivals in the Solario Stakes
Mark Cranham
By Tom Collins,   

Masar, sent off the 11-8 favourite after heavy support before the off, quickened up in fine style to land Saturday’s Group 3 Solario Stakes at Sandown, putting him firmly in the picture for next season’s Qipco 2,000 Guineas and Investec Derby, for which he received quotes of 25-1.

The winner’s task was made easier when main market rival Purser ran into traffic in the final two furlongs.

James Doyle, who partnered subsequent four-time Group 1 winner Kingman to success in the race in 2013, had Godolphin colt Masar in the right position throughout and was sat in behind the pacemaking Connect, and once pulled out his mount showed his rivals a clean pair of heels before striding right out to the line to score by two lengths. 

Irish challenger Romanised briefly looked like making a race of it with the son of New Approach, but he couldn’t live with the winner in the final 100 yards, while Arbalet stuck on nicely to cross the line in third.

Royal Lodge aim

Winning trainer Charlie Appleby said: “I’m delighted. You can see from his scope that he’ll only get better as he gets older. It was a conscious decision to give him a break after Ascot as physically he was a shell of a horse. He has done great since then and I couldn’t give a negative coming into today.

When asked whether he was to tackle the Dewhurst or Royal Lodge Stakes next, Appleby added: “We’re planning around his three-year-old career so he’ll probably only have one more run this season, maybe in something like the Royal Lodge. The further he goes the better he’ll get as well.

“He’s the first of ours to get Group-winning form but we do have some nice horses coming along now. It’s going to be an important six weeks.”

Result and analysis 



Winx comes with a storming late burst to run down Red Excitement

Winx: the Australian champion would be a huge draw at the royal meeting
Winx: the Australian champion would be a huge draw at the royal meeting
Vince Caligiuri
By Stuart Riley,   

Australian wondermare Winx left it late but made it 19 wins on the bounce, running down the runaway leader Red Excitement inside the final 50 yards to further cement her status as a worldwide legend.

Turning into the short Randwick straight the gap between the two was six lengths, with Hugh Bowman still in fourth and getting after the 12-time Group 1 winner, while Joshua Parr continued to cruise along on the lead.

Parr kicked with a furlong and a half to run and by the time Winx got to that marker she was up into second but still some five lengths off the pace, while at the furlong pole she had narrowed the gap only by a further length and a thought flashed through the mind that had previously never been considered in her all-dominant run: could she get beaten?

Arrogate’s woes this season have further highlighted how vulnerable even the very best can be but – with Bob Baffert’s superstar underperforming – the spot of best racehorse in the world is back up for grabs and Winx thundered home to delight the crowd and further her case for deposing the Dubai World Cup winner from top spot.

Like a great magician, she pushed the audience to that moment of doubt before whipping away the cloak and revealing everything is alright. It seems even the man on board had his doubts. Bowman told Channel seven: “I wasn’t worried last start but today I really was. When she hit the afterburners at the 150-metre mark [three-quarters of a furlong] I can’t explain the feeling.”

Trainer Chris Waller confessed to doubts of his own. He told the Daily Telegraph: “With 400m [two furlongs] to run I thought I was more concerned today than I was first up. I thought she was going to get there quite easy first up with her momentum but it is hard to gauge today when you have a horse free rolling like that.

“She hasn’t had a soft sectional but credit to the second horse, Red Excitement. They turned the race on, I guess tried to break us up, so it was very exciting.”

fonte : RacingPost


Roma e Milano, la prima domenica da vivere intensamente. Ecco il programma del weekend e dell’autunno romano


Si ricomincia! Della giornata inaugurale di San Siro abbiamo già parlato in un altro post, e ricordiamo come questa sera sabato 2 Settembre ci sarà la Spritz Night all’ippodromo di Milano, con dettagli tecnici della giornata cliccando su questo LINK.

Per il resto la domenica 3 Settembre darà ufficialmente il via all’autunno con il ping pong tra Roma e Milano. A Capannelle tante novità per gli appassionati e ricordiamo che ogni mattina della giornata di corse sul sito http://www.capannelleippodromo.it/ sarà disponibile una sezione con i consigli di gioco in base all’apertura delle quote fisse, come del resto avviene già da un anno ma lo ricordiamo a chi non lo sapesse. 

Domenica a San Siro altre belle corse e punti nevralgici nel Premio GOFFS ITM per i 2 anni, lo Zanocchio come condizionata per anziani, e la prima Listed della giornata nel Pietro Bessero Lr sul miglio dove torna in ballo Mi Raccomando (Poet’s Voice), la vincitrice del Regina Elena G3, con in sella Dario Vargiu in veste di nuovo fantino preferito dalla Effevi, in attesa che si sciolga il vincolo con la Incolinx a fine Dicembre. Ma intanto godiamoci l’autunno di corse. IL CAMPO PARTENTI DI ROMA QUIIL CAMPO PARTENTI DI MILANO QUI.
Per il resto pubblichiamo la news da hippoweb sugli appuntamenti della domenica a Roma:

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Aste in Germania: BBAG September Yearling Sale a €7,7 di movimento, -7%. Top da €500,000, ecco i risultati


In Germania nella giornata di venerdì si sono tenute le BBAG September Yearling Sale di Baden Baden, che hanno avuto un riscontro meno positivo del previsto ma con una fascia alta comunque molto solida. Alla fine in catalogo c’erano 252 cavalli di cui venduti 177 (il 70% contro il 79% dell’anno precedente) con un movimento completo di €7,783,000 che ha rappresentato un -7,9% rispetto agli oltre €8,4 milioni dello scorso anno. Scesa anche la media a €43,972 con un lieve -2,7% rispetto al 2016. 

Quanto ai lotti, c’era da aspettarsi che il Lot 182 realizzasse un prezzo molto alto in quanto fratello pieno del campione Dschingis Secret (Soldier Hollow), recente vincitore del Grosser Preis von Berlin, acquistato anch’esso da Horst Pudwill, imprenditore tedesco che vive tra Hong Kong e Singapore. Per lui sono stati spesi ben €500,000. 

Per gran parte dell’asta il top price è stato per un figlio di Sea The Moon (Sea The Stars), campione che vinse per dispersione il Derby tedesco, acquistato da Godolphin per €460,000. Sea The Moon funziona in Inghilterra al Lanwades Stud per £15,000 ed i suoi primi figli sono entrati nel ring proprio in questo 2017.

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E sono 19 consecutive. La campionessa Winx (Street Cry) ha ottenuto un’altra vittoria della sua carriera al Royal Randwick nelle Chelmsford Stakes G2 sui 1600 metri, cementando il suo status di leggenda vivente. Anche in questo caso però, come nelle ultime, la campionessa ha risolto un pò soffrendo o dando l’impressione a chi guarda che non sia stato tutto semplice. 

Il suo allenatore Chris Waller aveva dichiarato che Winx avrebbe corso con delle cuffie per farla rilassare prima e durante la corsa, e difatti così è stato e a differenza di quanto accaduto recentemente, e così la 6 anni non ha perso la partenza ma è uscita dalle gabbie in maniera lineare, ha atteso in quarta posizione ed è poi entrata nella corta dirittura di Randwick con almeno 6 lunghezze da recuperare a Red Excitement, agganciato e superato solo a 50 dal palo ma forse sospinta dai 10,000 spettatori arrivati a Randwick solo per vederla all’opera. 

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