26/07/2017. KING GEORGE SIXTIES SONG. (UK) Ascot a dream come true for former petrol pump attendant Gaitan // King George betting and card // Criquette Head annuncia ricorso per il mancato distanziamento di Unfortunately nel Papin G2! Attendiamo decisioni.. // (UK) Ascot, verso le King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes di sabato 29. Parata di stelle nel Berkshire, ecco i papabili


Ascot a dream come true for former petrol pump attendant Gaitan

Jockey Juan Villagra celebrates Sixties Song winning Chile's Longines Gran Premio Latinoamericano at Valparaiso
Jockey Juan Villagra celebrates Sixties Song winning Chile’s Longines Gran Premio Latinoamericano at Valparaiso
By Graham Dench,   

Connections of Argentina’s King George runner Sixties Song are under no illusions concerning the task the colt faces at Ascot on Saturday, but the four-year-old is already established as the best middle-distance horse in South America and his team believe he should not be underestimated despite his odds of 66-1.

Trainer Alfredo Gaitan was a petrol pump attendant before he got into racing on the advice of friends who suggested he had the build of a jockey, but while he admits he was “not very good” as a rider he has certainly made up for it since he switched to training.

He won the Group 1 Carlos Pellegrini – Argentina’s closest approximation to the King George – in his first season and has won it four more times since, most recently in December with Sixties Song, who then went on to win Chile’s Gran Premio Latinoamericano at Valparaiso, which led to his participation in Saturday’s event. 

Assistant trainer Nico Gaitan, translating for his father and also offering some of his own thoughts, said: “If you compared this to football it would be like a guy who plays in an average team in Argentina and goes straight to play in the final of the Champions League.

“European horses are possibly the best in the world, but ours are very good too. Anything from third to fifth would feel like a win to us, but we’re hoping for better and are here to win.”

Sixties Song was an outsider when he won the Pellegrini, but there was no fluke about his success or his continued improvement, which has been attributed to a change in tactics.

Gaitan said: “He used to race from the front and could be a bit keen, so we decided to drop him in in the Pellegrini and he settled really well. That’s when we realised he had a lot more to give and was a serious horse.

“He ran on bad ground afterwards, but there was no choice as he had to have a race before he came here. He arrived at Stansted on Sunday, and he travelled very well.

“We know the King George is a tough race, but we know too we have a very tough horse and a very good one. Coming here is like a dream come true.”The prospect of ground as soft as Sixties Song encountered last time is receding, and that is good news not only for the Gaitans but for connections of last year’s winner Highland Reel and Ulysses.

King George betting and card

Clerk of the course Chris Stickels said: “We had 18mm of rain between Friday night and Monday, but since then we’ve been dry, and this morning we had a mixture of good to soft and soft, with a nice drying day in prospect.

“There’s less rain forecast for Wednesday than there was – between 1-5mm – and with a bit of luck we should be mainly good ground by Saturday, although there’s a possibility of another rain bank on Saturday.”

Reacting to that news, Coolmore representative Kevin Buckley said: “We are very mindful of the weather, but it’s highly likely that we will have two runners, Highland Reel and Idaho.

Ulysses: would prefer quicker ground at Ascot on Saturday
Ulysses: would prefer quicker ground at Ascot on Saturday
Mark Cranham (racingpost.com/photos)

“Highland Reel prefers good ground or better but he’s tough, durable and gives his all every time. He likes Ascot too.”

Alan Cooper, representing the Niarchos family, owners of Ulysses, said: “I checked in with Sir Michael Stoute this morning and all is well.

“We hope there is not too much rain, as Ulysses wouldn’t want it too testing, but we are hoping to run and the weather forecast is improving and the plan is to run.”

Charlie Appleby has two entries and the trainer said: “Given the conditions at Ascot I would say Hawkbill is our likeliest runner as he likes to get his toe in.

“Frontiersman is perhaps better on a sounder surface so we may save him for the Glorious Stakes at Goodwood next week.”

Read about the King George greats:

2000: Imperious Montjeu a fitting 50th King George hero

1997: Battling Swain grinds it out against firmament of stars

1992: St Jovite routs his rivals with awesome display

fonte : RacingPost


MARTEDÌ 25 LUGLIO 2017. Criquette Head annuncia ricorso per il mancato distanziamento di Unfortunately nel Papin G2! Attendiamo decisioni..


Sembrava strano! La decisione di domenica pomeriggio nel Papin G2 da parte degli stewards di lasciare invariato l’arrivo dopo la deviazione di Unfortunately (Society Rock) nei confronti di High Dream Milena (Dabirsim), ha lasciato molti di stucco. Lettori, appassionati, o chiunque abbia mai avuto a che fare con le tipiche scelte draconiane dei francesi che di solito sono molto puntigliosi, pignoli, al limite della sopportazione. Infatti, alla fine, della fiera è stato reso noto che il team di High Dream Milena, quarta sul traguardo, ha deciso di ricorrere in appello contro la decisione di Maisons-Laffitte, contestando appunto il danneggiamento del vincitore a danno della femmina di Criquette Head di proprietà della famiglia Marzocco. In effetti la deviazione c’è stata, se vogliamo proprio essere onesti High Dream Milena avrebbe potuto anche guadagnare una posizione o due senza quella deviazione, dunque è normale pensare che il risultato possa essere contestato. Insomma, alla fine Unfortunately può ancora perdere il Papin G2 anche dopo il verde pagare.

L’allenatrice della danneggiata ha rilasciato le seguenti dichiarazioni alla Press Association Sport. “There’s no doubt the winner did interfere with her and [Pierre-Charles] Boudot had to stop riding. She was nearly brought to a stop, but got going again and finished strongly. Without that happening she’d have been much closer. Would she have won? I don’t know“. Nessuno lo sa, ma di sicuro quello sbandamento le è costata una posizione migliore. In ogni caso, se a tavolino o non, la rivincita ci sarà eccome. Sportivamente Unfortunately e High Dream Milena, rispettivamente primo e quarta nel Papin G2, si reincontreranno nel Prix Morny G1 del prossimo mese sui 1200 metri. In quell’occasione si, che a decidere sarà solo il palo d’arrivo. Sempre che nessuno devii…


LUNEDÌ 24 LUGLIO 2017. Ascot, verso le King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes di sabato 29. Parata di stelle nel Berkshire, ecco i papabili


La settimana che si apre è quella delle King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes (Sponsored By Qipco) G1 sul miglio e mezzo di Ascot di sabato 29 Luglio. L’eccitante prospettiva che ci si propone è quella di vedere veramente all’opera la duplice vincitrice Classica di Oaks Enable (Nathaniel) affrontare i maschi e gli anziani in quella che una volta era la corsa che fermava l’Europa. John Gosden, interpellato nella giornata di lunedì, non ha totalmente escluso la possibilità descrivendo la sua in ottima forma dopo la lieve ferita subita dopo le Oaks del Curragh. I prossimi giorni saranno decisivi per capire le intenzioni del master di Clarehaven, ma ad oggi è solo una suggestione. Enable sulle prime era stata praticamente esclusa dall’antepost anche per le parole di Lord Teddy Grimtorpe, portavoce di Khalid Abdullah, il quale di concerto con Gosden aveva identificato le Yorkshire Oaks come potenziale obiettivo di mezza estate ma proprio lunedì, complice la forma scintillante della 3 anni, è stata reinserita prepotentemente tra le possibili a 6/1 per la prova da £1,150,000. Se parteciperà, Enable proverà ad emulare la campionessa Taghrooda vincitrice dell’edizione 2014, dopo aver vinto le Oaks inglesi. Mercoledì sarà il giorno giusto per cominciare a sognare….