27 gennaio 2016. New post on Horse Racing in Korea // Round-up: Yoo Mira Goes Down Under, Doraon Hyeonpyo, Clean Up Cheonha, Perovic, Success Story, ARC // MERCOLEDÌ 27 GENNAIO 2016 Germania: Trovata morta #Lovelyn, l’eroina delle Oaks italiane e del Jockey Club. Perdita per l’allevamento tedesco

by gyongmaman

Plenty happening on and off the track over the past week. Doraon Hyeonpyo and Clean Up Cheonha were both impressive winners last Sunday, there has been plenty of follow-up to Success Story’s decent 3rd place in Dubai last week and Korea has been well-represented at the ongoing Asian Racing Conference in Mumbai.



We’ll start though in Australia and rather unusually in the HH Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies World Championship race at Caulfield on Tuesday. We don’t mention You Mi Ra very often on these pages but the jockey (riding as “Mina You”) managed to finish 2nd in the race, which as won by Dutch jockey Cindy Klinkenberg. Thanks to Ross Holburt for the heads-up and the picture.

On the track in Korea last weekend, stand-out performances came from Doraon Hyeonpyo and Clean Up Cheonha, who won class 1 events at Seoul and Busan respectively. Doraon Hyeonpyo (Colors Flying) had won at class 1 for the first time at the end of December but despite carrying significantly more weight this time, was once more a dismissively comfortable winner in the Sunday’s Busan feature. It wasn’t a strong race but the manner of his victory suggests there is plenty more to come.

Clean Up Cheonha (El Corredor)at age 5, also seems to be on the up. The US import was 2nd in the KRA Cup Classic last August and 5th in the Grand Prix Stakes in December. On Sunday, carrying 60kg over 2000M, he beat his Cup Classic conqueror Chief Red Can and eight others by two lengths to record his eighth career victory.

It was a bitterly cold weekend across the peninsula with conditions at Seoul especially being extreme as temperatures dipped to -14C on Sunday morning. Jockeys have a tough job at the best of times but their fortitude on Sunday was impressive to say the least.

Speaking of jockeys, Djordje Perovic reached another landmark in his impressive sojourn in Korea. The Serbian rider guided home his 50th Seoul winner on Sunday, taking the very last race of the weekend on City Hunter for trainer Lee Shin Young. The victory moved Perovic into the top ten all-time foreign jockey list here.

Success Story’s solid 3rd place at Meydan last Thursday has finally reached the Korean mainstream media. While the racing press (and the popular tabloids) covered it at the weekend, the national broadcaster KBS put it on their national news bulletin on Monday. Video here. Success Story is likely to race again in Dubai in the second week of February although things are a little less certain for Cheongu, the other Korean horse at the carnival.

Finally, Korea is being widely represented at the Asian Racing Conference in Mumbai this week. The KRA’s Seungho Ryu (who seems to get just about everywhere these days) delivered a talk on quarantine protocols while Chief Marketing Officer Ben Heo spoke about addressing racing’s not inconsiderable image problem in Korea. Racing Director Yangtae Park probably generated the most interest though, using his presentation to formally announce the $1M Korea Cup which will be run at Seoul Racecourse in September and according to Andrew Hawkins at the South China Morning Post, is already attracting interest.

Racing returns to Korea this weekend with the first big race of the season, the Segye Ilbo Cup, at Seoul on Sunday.

gyongmaman | January 27, 2016 

MERCOLEDÌ 27 GENNAIO 2016 Germania: Trovata morta #Lovelyn, l’eroina delle Oaks italiane e del Jockey Club. Perdita per l’allevamento tedesco


 Lovelyn con in sella Robert Havlin al centro vince le Oaks d

Lovelyn con in sella Robert Havlin al centro vince le Oaks d’Italia 2015 di una corta testa, seconde a pari merito la grigia Full of Beauty e Joyful Hope in un arrivo serrato
Una grave perdita per l’allevamento tedesco. La campionessa Lovelyn (Tiger Hill), vincitrice delle Oaks Italiane G2 e del Gran Premio del Jockey Club G1 infliggendo l’unica sconfitta italiana a Dylan Mouth, è stata trovata senza vita nel suo box. A comunicarlo Manfred Ostermann, proprietario del Gestut Hof Ittlingen, il quale ha riportato che l’autopsia ha svelato una frattura alle ossa pelviche ed una relativa emorragia interna che non hanno lasciato scampo.
Lovelyn, allenata in corsa da Peter Schiergen a Colonia, è stata una delle star tedesche della stagione 2015. Vincitrice di 4 delle 6 corse disputate, si è presa la scena in Italia mentre in casa ha vinto il Grosser Hansa-Preis G2 contro gli anziani. 
A Dicembre era andata ad Hong Kong per partecipare al Vase G1, ma fu ritirata dalla competizione a causa di una zoppia il giorno prima della corsa e, di conseguenza, anche ritirata in razza. Dal simposio del comitato pattern, per la sua stagione, era scaturito un 114 di rating per il suo valore espresso in pista. In razza, avrebbe potuto dare quella continuità ad una famiglia comunque solidissima. Figlia di Tiger Hill (Danehill), era prodotto della fattriceLaurella (Acatenango), sorella piena del campione sempre di marca Ittlingen Lando, vincitore di 7 corse di G1 incluso il Deutsches Derby, la Japan Cup ed il Grosser Preis von Baden, senza dimenticare il doppio italiano nel Gran Premio Milano e nel Premio del Jockey Club, vinto da sua nipote. Lando, causa frattura, è deceduto nel 2013. Quanto a Lovelyn, era destinata a visitare Invincible Spirit (Green Desert) nella stagione 2016.