18 NOVEMBRE 2015. Priore Philip trasferito in Francia a Chantilly presso Alessandro e Giuseppe Botti, cercherà il rilancio nel 2016 // Francia: Cristian Demuro, accordo di prima monta con Gerard Augustin Normand per i prossimi 3 mesi // BHA chief warns 12,000 jobs may be under threat // Fine ride from Lee as Big Baz bags Hyde // HKJC: Moore and Espinoza among star-studded line-up for LONGINES IJC in December


MERCOLEDÌ 18 NOVEMBRE 2015Priore Philip trasferito in Francia a Chantilly presso Alessandro e Giuseppe Botti, cercherà il rilancio nel 2016

Il Corriere dello Sport riportava in giornata di una notizia interessante che riguarda Priore Philip, in assoluto il cavallo copertina della stagione 2014 in Italia  con la vittoria esaltante nel Premio Roma G1 tanto da guadagnare un 120 di rating internazionale che, in seguito al deludente 2015, ha lasciato nei giorni scorsi le scuderie di Stefano Botti a Cenaia per approdare in quelle di Alessandro e Giuseppe Botti a Chantilly per cercare di ritrovare i motivi migliori, quelli smarriti proprio nell’annata di corse appena trascorsa. Priore arriverà in giornata oltralpe dopo una tappa a Milano, già sostenuta. A convincere gli uomini del figlio di Dane Friendly (Danehill) a procedere verso un rilancio della carriera sono una forma fisica sempre ottimale, a loro dire, abbinata ad una voglia di correre apparentemente immutata. Nell’anno sono mancate le prestazioni, certo, ma possibile che un cambio di aria possa rinvigorire l’animo del sauro. A quanto risulta non è stata mai contemplata l’idea da parte del team che il cavallo abbia smarrito la voglia di correre, momentaneamente, e dunque il fatto che una pausa lontana dalle corse gli avrebbe giovato, o gioverà. Priore continuà ad allenarsi duramente in quel di Chantilly, e chissà che l’aria francese possa fargli bene rilanciandosi nel 2016 a 5 anni. Glielo auguriamo!

MERCOLEDÌ 18 NOVEMBRE 2015Francia: Cristian Demuro, accordo di prima monta con Gerard Augustin Normand per i prossimi 3 mesi

Passo dopo passo si cresce. Cristian Demuro, dopo i risultati esaltanti in Italia ed una esperienza francese in continua evoluzione, ha ricevuto una apertura di credito importante negli ultimi giorni, una vera opportunità da non farsi sfuggire, in quanto ha raggiunto un accordo per montare i cavalli di proprietà di uno dei migliori proprietari francesi quale Gerard Augustin Normand, giubba bianca e cap viola, per i prossimi 3 mesi. “Non è un vero e proprio contratto, ma è un accordo sulla parola. Avevo avuto già contatti l’estate scorsa ma tutto si è materializzato negli ultimi giorni in corrispondenza del fatto che Gregory Benoist, la prima monta, sarà impegnato per 3 mesi in Giappone. Anche io ero andato in Giappone e sarei dovuto rimanere qualche giorno ancora, ma ho anticipato il ritorno perché non si può dire no a certe opportunità. E poi è successo che ho vinto anche subito in Listed, a Tolosa, con Rosay nel Critérium du Languedoc, (e martedì pomeriggio con Magari ad Angers in una condizionata per i 2 anni ndr). Quello ha solo potenziato l’interesse, sono felice per l’opportunità”. Significa che gli operatori francesi hanno apprezzato la prolificità di un giovane jockey che in Italia ci ha messo un attimo a scalare le categorie del turf diventando ben presto Cristian, e non solo il fratello del celebre Mirco, e accumulando record su record. L’ultima stagione è stata quella della consacrazione anche con il Regina Elena ed il Derby vinto in Italia con Sound Of Freedom e Goldstream: “Torno in Italia quando posso, spiace vederla in questa situazione ma ho fame di vittorie e quando posso cerco di tornare. Devo dire che in Francia mi hanno accolto subito bene, io ci ho messo un po’ per ingranare perché in Francia molti fantini hanno già scuderia, e sono importanti. Io ho sfruttato ogni occasione che si è presentata e l’ho massimizzata. Nicolas Clement mi ha chiesto una collaborazione e la sto portando avanti, si parla di un pacchetto di 90 cavalli circa, e poi ora è arrivata quella giubba prestigiosa”. A far da corollario alle parole le 59 (diventate poi 60) affermazioni stagionali su 634 monte e 247 piazzamenti con un guadagno per i cavalli montati di €1.787.005, non male per essere uno che monta solo con chance di risulta, e finalizza al massimo le poche occasioni concesse con cavalli quasi sempre a doppia cifra. Il futuro è dunque luminoso: “Non voglio preannunciare nulla, anche per rispetto di Benoist, è possibile che questa occasione si protragga anche nel 2016. Ne sarei felice, sarebbe un’ottima opportunità di crescita, ma sono rispettoso dei ruoli ed aspetto”. Gerard Augustin Normand è magnate francese di 63 anni fondatore della Richelieu Finance, una società di gestione in borsa ed exchange alla quale deve la sua fortuna.
L’ippica è diventata il suo passatempo successivamente, essendo apparso sulle piste francesi solo nel 2007, ma con una serie di investimenti mirati è diventato potenzialmente uno dei più grandi. Attualmente occupa la sesta posizione in classifica proprietari di Francia con oltre €2,6 milioni vinti in stagione, dietro a Khalid Abdullah, l’Aga Khan, Anthony Oppenheimer (per l’Arc), l’Al Shaqab Racing e la famiglia Wertheimer, ma davanti a colossi quali Godolphin, Hamdan Al Maktoum, famiglia Niarchos, Wildenstein e Rotschild. All’attivo ha circa 150 cavalli sparsi tra vari allenatori francesi, uno stud ed uno stallone quale Le Havre. Dunque è un progetto importante di cui Cristian potrebbe, ben presto, fare parte completamente.
Steve Harman:

Steve Harman: warned government of potential job losses on Tuesday

BHA chief warns 12,000 jobs may be under threat

 BY BILL BARBER7:43PM 18 NOV 2015 

THOUSANDS of jobs could be lost in British racing unless action is taken to introduce a new funding mechanism for the sport soon, the government has been warned.

BHA chairman Steve Harman told MPs, peers and racing industry figures that the sport was fast approaching a “cliff” in levy funding and that there would be severe consequences unless action was taken to secure the sport’s income.

It is understood racing believes that if the proposed horserace betting right – which would capture income from offshore betting currently lost to the sport – is not in place by 2017, 12,000 jobs across racing, from racecourses to racing yards, could be lost as a result.

Harman gave his dire warning at the British racing parliamentary reception at the House of Commons on Tuesday night, claiming the sport was going to lose £110 million over the next three years in money “leaked” through offshore operators.

Those present were told that, in order to help itself, racing had put in place a new governance structure – the recently finalised members’ agreement – and a strategy for growth.

fonte : RacingPost


Graham Lee: gave Big Baz a perfect ride to land the Hyde Stakes

Graham Lee: gave Big Baz an excellent ride to land the Hyde Stakes

 PICTURE: John Grossick

Fine ride from Lee as Big Baz bags Hyde

 BY JACK HAYNES7:24PM 18 NOV 2015 

Report: Kempton, Wednesday

EBF Stallions Hyde Stakes (All-Weather Championship Fast-Track Qualifier) (Listed) 1m (AW), 3yo+,

IT MAY have looked an exciting renewal, but William Muir’s progressive Big Baz turned it into a procession in securing back-to-back Listed wins under a canny ride from Graham Lee.


Gordon Lord Byron, who may head to Hong Kong for the International meeting in December, took the field along at a slow pace, with Lee being alert to the slow tempo and positioning the five-year-old prominently.

Entering the straight, Lee sent Big Baz into the lead and, in a dash to the line, the Ben Marshall Listed Stakes winner quickened up nicely to hold off his rivals with ease – beating Saeed Bin Suroor’s Very Special by a length and a quarter.

John Gosden’s Richard Pankhurst made little impression. Settled at the rear of the field after a slow start, the lightly raced three-year-old was not suited by the way the race panned out.

Muir said: “I’ve said right from the start that he’s a Group horse and he’ll be aimed now at the Mile Championship race at Lingfield on Good Friday. Dubai is a possibility first.

“He’s a lovely horse, and it was my fault entirely that he ran those three poor races before he bounced back at Newmarket last time.”

Lee, who was taking his score on the big Pivotal bay gelding to three from three, said: “He’s very, very genuine, and he’s so uncomplicated. He’s thriving at the minute.”

fonte : RacingPost


HKJC: Moore and Espinoza among star-studded line-up for LONGINES IJC

18/11/2015 10:18

A stellar selection of the world’s finest jockeys will take to Happy Valley Racecourse’s floodlit arena on Wednesday, 9 December to battle for supremacy and the prime share of HK$800,000 in the 2015 LONGINES International Jockeys’ Championship.

Eight international stars will compete alongside four of Hong Kong’s elite squad of jockeys in the annual four-race showpiece that rewards the outright champion with a first prize of HK$500,000. With HK$200,000 to the runner-up and HK$100,000 to the third-placed rider, the LONGINES IJC is the most lucrative jockeys’ competition in the world, and arguably the most competitive.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club has once again assembled a bill-topping cast for this year’s competition. Ryan Moore, the inaugural LONGINES World’s Best Jockey Award recipient, a three-time UK Champion Jockey and the winner of 65 global Group 1 races, will attempt to claim a third triumph at his ninth IJC appearance.

Victor Espinoza returns 12 years after a debut second placing in the 2003 IJC and he does so as an American legend, having partnered the brilliant American Pharoah to a rare U.S. Triple Crown triumph this year. They also landed America’s richest race, the Breeders’ Cup Classic, in late October.  


    Ryan Moore

    Ryan Moore

    Victor Espinoza

    Victor Espinoza

Brazilian ace Silvestre De Sousa makes his LONGINES IJC debut fresh from a well-deserved crowning as the U.K.’s Champion Jockey, while the brilliant Gavin Lerena is another first-time champ making his IJC debut, having clinched the South African Champion Jockey title earlier this year.

Hugh Bowman, one of Australia’s finest riders, heads to the IJC for a second time as Sydney’s Champion Jockey, a title he has won three times. Bowman’s predecessor as Sydney champ, the outstanding Kiwi James McDonald, also has three premierships to his name, with two achieved in his native New Zealand sitting alongside that 2013/14 Sydney title.

Japan’s Keita Tosaki was the JRA’s outstanding rider in 2014 and he currently has a strong chance of being crowned champion for a second time this year. The former four-time NAR champion is the third of this year’s three IJC debutants. 

Completing the exceptional international contingent is Maxime Guyon, one of the world’s finest big occasion riders. The French star has contested the IJC twice previously and is a popular face in Hong Kong thanks to his Hong Kong Derby win on Ambitious Dragon and last December’s G1 LONGINES Hong Kong Vase triumph atop Flintshire.

Mr. William A Nader, the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Executive Director of Racing, said: “This is an outstanding selection of some of the world’s very best jockeys, which is something we have come to expect at the LONGINES IJC, an occasion well-established as one of world racing’s greatest nights. The LONGINES IJC is quite possibly the most intense and competitive jockeys’ competition anywhere in the world.

“We are delighted with the calibre of riders we have this year. Five of the total 12 jockeys due to contest the IJC are incumbent champions of their respective jurisdictions and all are world elite riders. The quality we have this year certainly befits the occasion and this time around it’s especially great that we have Victor Espinoza, a man whose name is now written in racing legend thanks to American Pharoah’s Triple Crown win.”

This year’s LONGINES IJC will feature four jockeys from Hong Kong’s excellent pool of locally-based talent. The 2012 IJC victor, Joao Moreira, will take his place thanks to his status as Hong Kong’s current Champion Jockey.

With Moreira well clear in this season’s jockey standings, the next two places will go to the riders positioned second and third in the premiership table at the close of the cut-off date, Wednesday, 25 November. The fourth opening will go to Hong Kong’s leading homegrown jockey (a graduate of the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Apprentice Jockeys’ School) according to the standings on the above date.

Mr. Nader said: “One notable change to this year’s IJC is that we have one more Hong Kong-based rider than in the past. This reflects the depth of quality we have in the Hong Kong jockey ranks, a fact emphasised considering riders like Zac Purton, Douglas Whyte, Brett Prebble and Karis Teetan are battling to secure the two available places.” 

The 2015 LONGINES IJC is a four-race competition in which the following points will be given to each jockey according to the placing of his mount, and the ranking of each jockey will be determined by the total number of points earned in the four races:

12 points for 1st; 6 points for 2nd; 4 points for 3rd.

In the case of dead-heats for any of the first three placings, points will be added and then divided by the number of horses involved. The appropriate points will then be awarded to the relevant jockey. The count-back will be to 4th place.

After the opening of wagering in the Jockey Challenge, no substitute rides are eligible for points. In the LONGINES IJC competition, however, substitute jockeys are eligible for points and related prize money.

The IJC champion will be the jockey with the highest accumulated points.

(*Local jockeys with 2 or 3lb claims are eligible for selection for the LONGINES IJC. There will be no claiming allowance in the four LONGINES IJC races.)

List of invited jockeys for 2015 LONGINES IJC

Representing Country/Region Jockey Remarks
Australia Hugh Bowman Three-time champion jockey in Sydney, with 47 G1 wins in his career
France Maxime Guyon Winner of 26 G1 races including five on European champion miler Solow in 2015;  Partnered Flintshire to win last year’s HK Vase
Japan Keita Tosaki Reigning champion jockey in Japan with over 2300 career wins
New Zealand James McDonald Winner of Sydney Premiership in 2013/14; Two-time champion in New Zealand
South Africa Gavin Lerena Reigning champion jockey in South Africa;  Two-time South African Derby winner; Held record for most wins in South Africa in a month – 42 in June 2015
UK Ryan Moore Three-time British champion jockey with over 2000 career wins, 65 at G1 level;  LONGINES World’s Best Jockey Award winner in 2014; Two-time IJC winner in 2009 and 2010
UK Silvestre De Sousa Reigning British champion jockey with 132 wins in 2015; Partnered African Story to win the 2014 Dubai World Cup
US Victor Espinoza Partnered world’s top-rated horse American Pharoah to win the 2015 US Triple Crown, and the G1 Breeders’ Cup Classic last month;  First Latino jockey to win the US Triple Crown
Hong Kong Joao Moreira Reigning Hong Kong Champion Jockey; IJC winner in 2012
Hong Kong Highest ranked jockey (1) As at 26 November
Hong Kong Highest ranked jockey (2) As at 26 November
Hong Kong Leading local jockey As at 26 November

Profiles of 2015 LONGINES IJC jockeys

LONGINES IJC – Past Results


fonte : HKJC